Baby Bedsprings, Rerouted, The Belly, and Lily Bit,
Wednesday, late in the day,
with the wind blowing
and clouds moving in,
I went back out to
get some more done.
I hammered a long
iron bar in the ground,
then weaved it through
the baby bedsprings to
keep the springs standing.
I will plant some Cypress
Vine seeds in a pot and place
the pot in front of the
springs so the vine will
have something to hug as
it grows.
I placed the springs
in front of the area I
cleaned off earlier
in the day.
Then, before more rain moves in
later in the evening and while
the ground was easy to move, I rerouted the way the water
runs at the tree line. It had found a way around
the route it was taking once that one developed
a damn. I cleaned out the damn
the old route which should now go behind those
trees and not in front.
Around 7:30 pm, a down
pour came but it was dusk
and too hard for me to see if
the rain took the old route
that I played with
or the new one it
I am so in hopes that
it took the old one I
worked with.
Last night when I crawled
into bed, I was greeted
with this site.
Misty will row over
on her back in front of me,
but to lay like this, something
she does not do often.
She flipped back to her side,
but kept flipping and trilling
at me like I was disturbing her.
I finally settled down and
so did she.
Thursday morning, was
one of those Lily mornings.
She has been so calm and
laid back in the mornings,
it's been over a week since
she gave me a rough morning.
I was woken by several low
meows wanting me to
get up. I did, fed both
girls and went back to
bed only to not be
able to sleep for Lily jumping
up on the edge of the bed, and
back in the floor. Finally,
after three times of this I
got up and had my coffee.
I blog now and this is where
Lily is.
On Wednesday, between
trips outside, Lily curled
up next to me on the
couch. This is not normal
for her, she is usually on
the back of the couch.
She looked so sweet and
comfy laying next to me.
Even let me lean over
and lay my head on
her side.
Love this girl,
even though she is