Yoda, Card, Toys, Meals, Tea and Lily Bit AKA THE QUEEN

 Couple of post back
I told you all about 
If you missed that, you can
read about it here...
 Here is an update to 
Yoda's story. 

Today at True Rescue
animal shelter while
planning a special
event in honor of Yoda
(more on that to come later), I received Yoda's
autopsy report.

Yoda was seven months
old and
died on Jan. 7
from cardiac arrest
after undergoing neutering
The report revealed Yoda
suffered from
feline cardiomyopathy.
It is a genetic
predisposition that
causes impairment
of the muscles around
the heart and their
ability to pump blood effectively.
A check of the anesthesia
during the process
showed no issues
regarding the types or dosage.
You've all been so kind
and caring and I
knew you would
want to know.
Some cats live with
the disorder for several
years. In more severe cases, the prognosis is poor.
Another inquiry into
why a heart test administered
before the surgery
failed to detect the disorder
has also been ordered.
Will this bring some
closure? I don't know.
I only pray he did not suffer.

It's amazing the impact this
little guy made on so many.

Earlier in the week I
sent Mike a card.

Mike posted it on FB with
this comment.

A beautiful card and 
super sweet note from 
 featuring her original
 and incredible artwork, 
arrived today. This will 
be framed.
So many of you have 
been so kind as we grieve
 Yoda’s passing. I can’t 
thank you all enough.

Moving on to my fur babes, 
or at least one, Lily. This is what 
I put on FB Friday morning~
When you buy cats toys
that charge USB
but have an on and
off switch.....be sure at
night to turn the thing
off. 3:45 this morning
Lily decided she wanted
to play. Course I laid
in bed and laughed
about it until I realized
that she was not going
to stop chasing it.
Did I mention that if rolls
on its own by
her movement and it
lights up as she chases it?

Lily really likes the balls.
neither one of the girls care
anything for this~

I have found that it's a tosh up
when purchasing toys for
the girls.
Remember the floppy fish,
yeah, they did not like that

What about your kitties?
Do they like toys?
Do you have to play with
them or will they
play on their own?

Lily likes me to play with her,
Misty likes to play
One toy that Lily really
loves is a
Cat Dancer.

My friend Theresa got her
one when I got her and
she loves it. It is also one
of the cheapest ones.
I had issues finding it in
the stores, cause I never
thought about it till I was out
shopping and never thought to
look at Wally World website.....DUH,
so, I started making
them for her and friends
cats. I had a slinky that got
stretched out, great thick
wire, I cut it to the right size,
and then all you do is
cut a couple
pieces of cardboard
and slip onto
the bottom of the wire.
I bend the
wire up tight and stick the end
back in the cardboard again.
When it wears out, I make

Back around the holidays,
I took to drinking tea again,
and not my water.
Not just tea, sweet tea.
I put on five pounds over
night (seemed like it anyway).
I still have not been able
to let go of the tea this
time, but I am backing off
my sugar in it.
But now I have to work
on getting my water in.

Cooking has also
become an issue,
I tend to still cook for a
family, thinking I will
freeze the rest, but then they
end up being science
and get thrown out.
With that,
I stopped cooking, I
had a salad
for two nights for

Friday night, I had
a baked potato.
The thing is, I get full
on this so I need to
stop with that. I did make
a ground beef, potatoes,
onions, and Rotel in
my mini crockpot. Had
two meals from it and
was tired of it, at that point
I froze two small bags for
another time.

I have also been drinking
herbal tea, Turmeric, peach
and ginger.

Turmeric is supposed
to be good for inflammation in
the body. I can't tell you if it
helps or not cause Fibromyalgia is
a hard illness to keep tabs on.
With Fibro, you might hurt all
over, but it's what I call my
everyday pain, the pain I can
deal with. But at the same time
have a pain that is horrible in
a part of your body. That pain
that is horrible could hurt in
one spot for a day, a week,
a month etc. But then all
of a sudden it could be gone
or moved. So, is the Termeric
helping, can't tell but I
love the taste so I am drinking
it daily.

The other day I went
looking for Lily Bit AKA
and could not find her
in the usual spots.
I don't panic per say, unless
at some point I had
went outside. Now, when the
doors are open, I am very
CAREFUL to watch but
when I can't find her,
I start wondering if I
missed her.
Would Lily run away from
She is very curious.
Misty, NO, she is a mommies
Anyway, I had stepped out
on the front porch to
spray paint something so
when I could not locate her,
I started thinking back.
I did find her though, she
was curled up in the
cave like thing on the
cat tree.
My mom got her this tree in
Dec. 2018 for Christmas and she
has never, to my knowledge
curled up in there to sleep.

After I found her a few mins
later she came out and
we curled up on the couch.
It was QUEEN loving time.

She loves behind the ears,
under the mouth on the neck
and under the eyes
on those bones.

Sorry for the blurred pic but
I find it hard to rub with one
hand and snap a pic
with the other...
but look at that look.
She gets all glassy eyed
when she is into the

Guessing if I had someone
to rub my head, I might
get glassy eyed also!

What about you, do you love
a good head rub or
maybe and amazing
back rub?



NanaDiana said…
So sad to lose Yoda so soon. Some pets just leave a mark on our hearts forever no matter how long we have them.

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