Replies to Comments, Pigs and Burglar


Terry over at Brains Home

Dang, Winter doesn't just want
 to give it up. The goofy groundhog was right!

Old Man Winter is not
wanting to let go and let
spring move in. Here in TN.,
we usually don't have two snows
in season like this. Esp. a 7 inch
and a 3 inch. Reminds me
of winters when I was a kid.

Darla at
stated that she hoped the dog
in the repurpose baby bed 
cage did not have to stay in 
there long.

I personally don't agree with 
locking up a dog in those things but
I understand sometime with 
larger dogs, you have to 
when you go out. My brother
had one that if you did not
put him up, he would 
tear the house down.
But for all day, 

Were you aware?

When I dated Chris, I learned
this, he had pigs. So interesting.
I learned that pigs will eat
anything, they will also cont.
to eat till they kill over. They
don't have a clue as to 
when to stop. 

I knew a lady that had
a pet pig, named him
Billy Ray Soy~rus. He lived
in the house and he was as
big as a barn. Okay, maybe that 
was a bit much, but he 
was not a small pot belly
pig that people dream of having.
What folks do not understand, 
a pot belly will not stay tiny,
they will grow large like any pig
if you feed them!
Matter of face, Billy Ray had
a wooden litter box built for in 
the house and a lift over the 
side of the deck to get him to the 
yard and back. They also had to put
a lock on the fridge.

Later they got a female, lived
in the house too. Her name was
Tammy Swine~nette.

Okay, back to them eating someone
in a few mins, that includes bones.
When Chris and I started dating,
he cleaned out the fridge one
day and he was putting everything
on a paper plate. I asked why at 
which point he told me that 
what went on the plate would 
be given to the pigs.
on the plate. I told Chris,
NO, that was cannibalism.

It's been a while since Chris
and I dated so I am not sure
how many of you actually met the 
pigs. Keep in mind, these are
pets, they are not eating pigs.

Chris' first pig was  
Leonard, AKA to me, 
Lenny. We had a bond.

Once people realized that
Chris kept pigs, and after
they realized their pot belly's
did not stay tiny, they sought out
Chris to give them a home.

This is Arnold. 

I would say that Arnold got
to be the biggest of all the 
five Chris had when we 
I pulled up in the yard
the first time I ever went
over and Arnold was sunning
in the front yard, it looked
like his fat just surrounded him 
and melted into the ground.

Next was Wilbur. The friendliest
and the one everyone loved.
Chris would throw his leg 
over Wilbur and Wilbur would 
give him a ride.

This is Razor, pretty sure
that Razor was not a pot
belly, he was a razorback.

Last came Maybelline. 
She was a shy one. I think I 
was only allowed, by her to 
pet her once. Only female but
like the others, she was fixed.

Keep this in mind, I was never
around farm animals growing up.
I was an adult with kids before I 
experienced loving and grooming horses.
But I fell right in 
with loving these animals.
These pigs all loved crackers and
Chris always kept some in 
his workshop cause the pigs always
ventured off to visit for a 
cracker, or two.

With a pig you could teach them
to sit for a cracker. You just hold
one in front of their nose and start walking
towards them, they will back up just 
a bit and sit.
I learned they are smart animals.

If you noticed, Maybelline had 
a nose ring. I learned why.
Pigs will route around in the 
ground with their nose, and 
right under fences too. A nose 
ring is to help stop a lot
of that. I also learned that pigs
love a good mud bath but they
don't do it just to be nasty.
They do not have sweat glands and 
they do it to cool down. But, not
knowing that, I was turning the
hose on them. Chris told me that they
also do it to keep from burning, so I
had to stop washing them off.

Haha...have you learned more
than you ever wanted to know
about pigs!?

Here you go Terry, this is 
for you and your house full 
of fur babes!

Oh my!!

Hope you have a great day,


Diane said…
I love pigs but we never had them on our farm only cows and sheep, the neighbour had them though :-) Great photos. Keep well, Diane
Christine said…
Fun pig photos
Mari said…
I grew up on a farm but we only had cows and chickens. That's a lot of new info on pigs! Those are some cute pics and I like their names.
Darla M Sands said…
There was a Canadian serial killer who fed victims to his pigs. ~shudders~ I understand sometimes a dog crate is needed. ~sigh~ I'm proud of my brother for not penning up his hyperactive dog (which his daughter brought home - isn't that just the way of things?). He needs to vacuum his carpets daily (!) and when I asked if he could have Salem shaved, the answer was no. Apparently doing so would harm his skin due to the nature of his coat. Be well!
Ann said…
I've known a couple people who had pigs as pets. I just don't see the attraction.
Too funny with the laser gun.
Jeanie said…
None of our dogs ever had crates. I think if they are well trained, they're not needed.
Marie Smith said…
I can’t imagine having pigs in the house but to each his own. I heard that pigs are smart. I guess they’d grow on you…but in the house?
Oh my, those pigs are super cool and Razor looks so very kind. We never crated our dogs either, they were well behaved.
Liz A. said…
There was a TV show where they used a pen of pigs as a murder weapon. (The killed soundly deserved it.) They did it with the pigs so that the pigs would get rid of all the evidence.

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