Red Peppers, Lily and Misty, Whimsical Yard Decor, and Paintings

Hello fellow bloggers!
You know I have been surfing
FB again, and I found this.
Very interesting.
I found this not only interesting
but funny.

Now ladies, I ask you, how many
times have you tried this?

haha...moving on~
In the mornings, Lily Bit AKA 
usually lets me know in the
morning that I need to raise the
blinds in the living room, 
and again, in my room, so she
can look out.
This morning, after the said
blinds were raised, she enjoys her

Cats are like children, like
toddlers mostly, always changing things
up on you. 
The newest change the girls
have done was, Lily no
longer wakes me in the morning.
No longer runs across my 
body, jumps up and hits
the chain on the ceiling fan,
or sits at the bedroom door
meowing at me. The other part
of this change is, my gray
ball of fur wakes me.
Unlike Lily's demands to 
wake me, Misty just 
gets in my face and tries
nudging me. If that don't work,
she has run across my body
a time or two, which shows she
has watched her sister do 
that before.
When I am up, coffee
being downed, I look over
to see this site.

Of course this is a daily 
thing now. She wakes, I 
move, she naps. 


I was thinking about my
whimsical decor in my yard
and flowerbeds in the years
past so I pulled up some pics.

I have a long way to go
on this blank canvas of a yard.
A long way to go.
Thought I would share.

 Forgot this sign, I need to make
another one for this place.
My piece made by a man I know.
Such a talented man.

My welded piece. 
My wildflower,
made out of lawn mower

I left this in the tree when I 
moved six years ago.
Thinking of making 
another one for this yard. 

Little bitty surprises 
around the yards to find 
and enjoy.

Moving on to another subject, 
which I am good at. 
However, being that I am 
typing this and not 
talking to you, I am able
to do one subject at a time.
In talking, I totally bounce
all over the place.
Back when I was showing
off pics of changes in my 
room, this painting showed
up in one of the pics.
Not sure who commented
on it but it had something to do 
with not believing I painted this.  
haha....then saying awesome.

So, with that I thought 
would share some of my other

I did not learn that I could paint
till I was 42 yrs old. My mom
got me into it.
First painting went to 
mom and below is my first.

Never been big with hanging
my paintings in my home,
I always tended to give them
away. With that said, I inherited all
the ones I painted for my mom.
This was another one I painted
for her. She was from a small town in 
Georgia. Same town that Singer
Sam Hunt is from. Anyway, at the 
end of a road there is a spring, 
actually, the road goes 
through the spring and out 
the other side. Spring is not deep
and it flows into the filtering plant, 
and this is where we played.
Local swimming hole. I painted
that for my mom.
This beauty sets right in the 
middle of Cedartown Ga.

For birthdays, Mothers 
Day or just cause she wanted
mom would ask for a painting.
This one hangs in my 
living room now.

Hung in her kitchen and I 
am looking for a spot
to hang it.

Being I just did not have
the space, and she wanted it,
I gave this one to Amber.

I think this is all but my brother
Ray has a bunch also.

Hoping you enjoyed the journey
down memory lane.


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