Pet Store Critters, and Misty River
Really did not want to go
out on Tuesday but I knew,
since I had totally forgot to
get Lily's wet food a week ago, I
had to go out.
I always have to go by and
check out the animals while in
the pet store. Today I watched the
lizard/dragons. This guy
below was so cute. He kept walking
up and down in front of the
glass separating us, like he was
showing off himself.
The rest of the group
was hanging out
on the fake rock.
After I loaded these pics
to the blog page I noticed the
look on the face of the one
in the rear. Looks like his/her
look was one of question, like they
might be looking at the one
prancing up near the glass and
wondering what he was doing.
bunched up together.
I thought this one inside
the shell thingy was all
alone, but then I noticed the one
on the very top.
That is what it looks like
to me.
I sometimes stand and watch
I looked for the ferrets that
I always visit but there were
none. I asked after them and found
out that all three of them had
gone to homes.
the fighting fish in those small
cups they are in and wonder
how alone they must be.
I had one many, many years
ago. He was a dark blue and
red. Very pretty. I named him
Mr. Squiggles. He would come to
the top when I went to
talk to him and I could pet
him on the head. I had him
for almost three years.
At the pet store, they are stacked
up on these shelves and I have
to say, I did not realize there were
so many different types.
I never go over to look at
the aquariums of fish. They
just don't do anything for me.
However, I have had an
aquarium twice in my life and
I loved watching the Neon tetra
and the head and tail light tetra
fish swimming around with no
lights on in the room except
the one on the aquarium.
So calming and relaxing.
I do stop over and check
out the fur babes.
There were two little
girls today. Probably sisters,
both six months old, one was
a tabby and the other was a
Misty look alike.
Looked just like her, and
her name was
Her sisters name
was Ravioli.
I so wanted to hold them
both but esp that little
gray one. Look how Ravioli
was looking at me.
And look at my
sweet babe. All curled
up and sleeping, so comfy.
Makes me want to pick
her up and snuggle with
her. But, sort like that saying,
don't wake a sleeping
baby. I left her sleeping.
Have you hugged your babe
today? If not, do it now and
hug them for me too!