Morning, My Soul, Primming, Repurposed Ideas, Chase and a Sign

  Good morning all,
are you the afternoon blogger?
Maybe even the evening
Me, I prefer doing it and 
FB'ing with my coffee.
I started this post on Sat. 
before my shower and 
after my coffee.
But, then I stopped and took
my shower cause I am 
heading out in a bit.
I figured I would work 
on the post once out of the 
shower, cause a shower, 
although the heat or the water
feels amazing on my body, 
it zaps me. I will sit around
for 30 to 45 mins regaining
my ump after my shower.

Here I am again though, to 
finish up this post.
This morning while having
some blueberry coffee, and 
FB'ing I saw this meme.

This is great. Sometimes, like
last night, I felt my soul pushing
me to listen. When that happens, it feels
like this ~ I want to craft, paint or
whatever within that sort of range,
but I am not sure I feel like getting
into something that I am pretty 
sure I am not going to finish. 
I pushed, I listened to my soul
and I let my soul know it.
I crafted.
Not feeling like I would finish the 
project I started on one that I 
knew would not bother me, not
finishing it. I primmed two little
wood jewelry boxes I picked up 
for a buck each when I went thrifting
a couple weeks ago.
Yes, they are used, needed
cleaning and some love but I have
plans for these boxes, I have two
great grands with bdays coming up.
As you can see, I did not finish,
and I did not clean up but with that
little bit out, it don't eat at me to 
get busy or clean up.

Talking about not finishing and 
cleaning up, on Thursday I 
made such a mess when
I went down that rabbit hole,
and actually, dug it deeper!
I tried to push to clean up my
mess, and could not do it.
I left a major mess. 

While I was cleaning up the 
that mess, I took a few pics
of a few repurposed items around the
house. Was going to venture out around
the house with the camera and take
more, but I figured I would give
it to you in bits and pieces. 

I have two of these hurricane 
lamps, one without a globe
and one with. One my dad got
at an auction and one was my
great granny's, I just don't know
which is which. I do not use this type
of lighting, even when lights go
out, that is what flameless 
candles are for!
I took one that is now on 
my fake fireplace, placed
a flameless candle on it, 
along with some Dollar Tree
wine like wreathes for crafting
on the lamp.

When over at my brothers packing
my brother gave me this bottle.
He found it a few years back
when hiking around his house.

I stuck a candle in it and I 
will place a ribbon or tie some
jute around the neck of the bottle.

Pearls~ I am not a fan of wearing
pearls, I think it reminds me of 
old women (haha) but I like them
for decor.

The sunflowers were moms, the 
other flowers, I just had on hand and 
years ago, I picked up the 
pitcher at Goodwill. However, 
when put together, I felt it needed
something and I have a long
strand of pearls.

More to come in the next
 I just did a post
on my nephew and brother after 
a race where they donated winnings
and collections. Funny part is, the 
next day I got a text from my cousin
from Mississippi, she sent me the 
pic below.

Her daughter saw it on FB
and being a Montgomery she
sent to pic to her mom (my cousin)
who in turn sent it to me.
What do you call things like that?
I have heard them called 
Gods wink, just one of those
things, coincidence, or a sign.
Basically, I call them signs, but
I don't always know why or what
that sign means. 

Well, my ump has somewhat
made it back to me so I am 
going to go get ready. Amber and I
are going to the Habitat for Humanity 
Restore in Nashville. I love that 
place and not been since my move,
so just to be doing something today,
I was going to go and Amber
said she wanted to go also, she
has never been.
Sometimes I wonder if this 
woman is actually my child!



Marie Smith said…
The pearls are such a lovely touch to the arrangement!
Miss Merry said…
Lots of things going on! I love Habitat stores.
Darla M Sands said…
I agree. :D And I enjoyed seeing that photo of Alice Cooper. Take care, my dear.
Liz A. said…
I like to shower at night, before bed. Then I don't have to get up and go after ;)
You are so talented and I'm always impressed with all that you do. I write blogs early in the morning with my coffee and visit others blogs in the evening.
Christine said…
Haha have fun there!
Ann said…
I've always liked to do my blog visiting first thing in the morning with my coffee. When I was working I would also sit down and read after I got home. There were always blog posts from the ones who publish later in the morning.

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