Chair-ish the Kids, Art Showing, Son, Shot Records, Donation, Checks, Cat and Brats

 Well, dummy me did not fille
last year's taxes in 
the file cabinet,
truth be told, I have 
not filed anything
in there in YEARS.
A box here, a stack there, 
a drawer full, is my filing system 
basically. But moving 
on from that,
looking for those papers took
me down the biggest rabbit hole.

I pulled all those stacks, drawers, 
and boxes together 
and started the 
clean out task. 
Now I have a large plastic
tote full of things to 
shred, a crate for 
recent things (past yr) 
to be filed, 
and bags of trash. 
I took two, two 
drawer file cabinet 
(stuffed), down to 
one barely holding stuff now. 
One file cabinet was mine, 
and one was mom's.
I did keep a few things
of mom's, mainly family 
search papers. 

I had a folder in my cabinet
for certificates, brochures, 
and things like that.
I ran across these.

Brochures from Kids on the Block
(puppets) fund raisers. 
I was a part of those fund
raisers for four years.

Also, from my cabinet I 
found these to invites from 
my painting teacher, when she
had a show.

Our local paper in Hermitage 
ran a story about the 
elementary school and my son
was in it. That is him
bottom right in the dark 

From my mom's cabinet I found
my dad's shot record when he
was in the Navy.

A racing book with my 
brother Ray and 
nephew Chase in it, 
donating money to the 
Ronald McDonald House.

 I know I have said it 
before and I will probably say it
more as the years go by, my
mom kept everything. Always
in order, filed and labeled so nicely.
With that said, I ran across two
uncashed checks.
One for 32 cents and one 
from Calif. for 11 cents.
Thanks mom, that gave me 
a good laugh. 
I also ran across all the 
paperwork from police report,
to lawyer paperwork, court dates
and even the boys that stole my 
younger brother's car back in 
the early 80s.
Oh, forgot to mention, the 11 cent
check was dated for Feb., 1961.

Oh my gosh, I saw these pics
on FB with what the human
to this cat had to say about the
cat. ~~~
I got my cat from a kill
shelter. He was
found on the side of
the road in a box
and he was too young
to be away from
his mother. He was
tiny, they guessed at
6 weeks. I brought
him home and bottle
fed him. They said he
was a red tipped
siamese. He is now a 26
pound “puma”
size terrorist! He
gets in so much trouble
he drives me insane.
Here he is in the
refrigerator. Which he
learned how to open
in the middle of the
night. I heard noise in the
kitchen and saw a light
on. He threw all the
food out of the refrigerator
and climbed in!
We now have a lock
on the fridge
to keep him out! This
is my asshole “Blue”

When I read things like this
I am so 
that my babes are not total
hellions like this!

Lily might run across my body
to wake me, yell at me
to get me to rub her head, 
yell at me cause she is
demanding her food NOW,
or wanting to go out. 
Misty might jump in my 
lap and head butt me to tell
me it is TREAT time 
or run out in front of me
to get somewhere before me, 
but then as soon as she
does, she slows down to a 
snail's pace, almost tripping me.
But, my cats have never
scratched the furniture, 
tore up the blinds or climbed
the curtains. They
 have not learned
to open the fridge
 door and throw
out the rood either.
I am 
Let's go back to Misty 
for a min. 
She is like a babysitter, 
I have watched her 
copy things that Lily has
done in the past.
The other day while in 
the bedroom folding clothes,
I had the top chester 
  drawers open to 
put more clothes in it.
Lily jumped up on the 
dresser, walked across it,
jumped from there to the 
the chester drawers and 
made her way into the open
drawer. She laid there a bit, 
then jumped down.
With in a min of Lily leaving,
Misty followed in the same
footsteps, following right behind
how her big sister did it.
Oh my!
On top of that, she
 decided the other
morn to wake me by running
over my body!

Little critter is going to go
blind if she don't stop 
sitting on the cable box
watching tv that close!

By the way, if you are wondering,
I have no clue where I put my 
taxes from last yr. Going 
to call Farm Bureau in the morn
and see if they have a copy of it.
Funny thing, it's in this house,
and I have looked everywhere it
could be, or maybe not.

Well in the famous words of 
Scarlett in Gone with 
the Wind, 
"I'll think about that tomorrow.
 Tomorrow is another day." 

Speaking of which, do you have
a famous quote from a
movie you have seen?


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