Tumeric, Crazy, Head Rubs and Catatude, Liners, Cubbies and Rest


Monday morning drink, and 
it was not coffee, it was 
Tumeric, peach tea.

This is true.

Speaking of crazy, here
is one of my girls
that makes me feel crazy
at times. Esp. when we are 
playing chase through the
house. Crazy chasing
cat lady!

Here is Lily, tucked
behind my knees getting
her head rubbed down.

This is really the only time
she will allow me to 
touch her.

I know if you have cats
you know about CAT A TUDE! 

Well, not only does Lily
have CAT A TUDE, she also
Being that she is part 
tortie as well as all 
cat! She can spark an
attitude so fast. And if she
is not the one asking for 
the head pat, rub down, 
or just a touch, then you 
can FORGET it.

With that said, she 
can lay tucked behind my
knees and have me rub her
down for the longest of time.
Most times at night when I 
fall asleep rubbing her head,
she stays tucked there for 
a long time. But when I wake, 
she will jump down.
She is a mess.

A couple years ago I 
learned about crockpot
liners. Have you ever used
these. Sure does make clean
up after cooking in your
crockpot so much

I love these things.

Have you seen these
cubbies up above the 
closets in older homes? 

I had to read up on them 
to know what they were used
for. Back in the day, these
cubbies were used to store
seasonal items in, extra blankets, 
quilts, and even Christmas items.
In my DIL's and son's home,
they have these above the 
closet. Talk about not wasting any
space in a house. 
I love having tons of storage 
that you can hide so much 
stuff in keeping the house all
clean and decluttered.

I have been on the resting
scale for over a week. 

Cold weather has brought 
the pain and fatigue of 
Fibro for a visit.
Can't seem to get much 
of anything done. 
When I can't get things done,
I beat myself up. I see things
that I need to do and just can't 
muster up the energy to do any
of it. If I do have to do something,
I have to push, and sometimes
that gets really hard.
I will continue to 



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