Trip to Brothers House, New House, Bling, Night Visitors, Snow and Cold

 Saturday, I headed out to 
the other side of Nashville to 
help my older brother and my 
SIL, Lori, do some packing.
They are moving,
about 40 mins down the road.
They also have a 6000 sq foot
home that is full of a lot of 
stuff, antiques, collectibles, 
some of moms stuff, some of 
her mom and dads stuff, 
kids stuff.....
So as much as I felt 
like staying home and 
doing nothing, I went.
I pushed, but it was also
good for me to be moving.
I had good quality time
with both of them.

We also went to the 
new house.
It is beautiful.

But best of all, it's not 
20 some odd acres or even
the 40 some odd that they are moving
from this time. It is a total of 
eight some odd acres of land.
So much more doable.
New build, not like the one
he is leaving, that once upon 
a time, years ago, he and his
son gutted and rebuilt.
I love it.

Great entrance with a 
pretty light and great

If you can't really see 
the bling, then look in the pic
Me and bling.
Oh, and yes, bling on its

Before I show pics of inside,
let's talk about my time 
helping to pack.
We got a lot done, BUT
there is so much more
to do. Lori and I were busting
butt. What we ended up doing is
packing in bins, loading that up 
and going to the new house and
unpacking. Nice way of moving.

Lots of up and down, floor sitting, 
bending, climbing, walking, 
standing, lifting, and 
whatever else!
My body is yelling at me.
Plus, I slept on the couch
and did not sleep well.
I am tired.

After our run to the new house,
Ray, Lori and I went
out for dinner. Once we got home,
we did some more packing. 
When I finally was able to 
fall off the sleep it 
was past 12:30, but I had
great company.
Oakley below 
laid at my feet all night.

Shadow below, snuggled
beside me. 

As I was about to doze off
Buttons, no pic, another
cat, tucked herself behind my
knees like Lily does.
However, I guess my flipping
and flopping made 
Buttons get up and leave 
me. Well into the wee hours
of the morn, Marshall, other
dog joined Oakley on the floor
at my feet. 
Once we woke Sunday morning.
it had rained earlier and then
it started to snow.

Marshall went out with me 
later to take some pics.
He loves the snow.

After this last shot I went
in, Marshall was digging 
in the yard and not minding, 
but only after he jumped 
in the pond. 
Snowing and colder
than a witches ti......
or maybe I should say a
well diggers as....
never mind, but anyway, 
that cold and the silly
dog jumped in the water.

Lori and I did more packing,
Ray ran to Lowes for a heavy
duty dollie. 
Later, we loaded up the truck
and went to unload at 
the new house. Lunch, 
then back to the house 
where I loaded up somethings
they were giving me and I 
drove home in the freezing temps.
CRAP it is cold.
It was 27 on the way 
home, but a really 
cold 27 with the 
wind blowing. Low
of 11 at 4am.
Water dripping time, 
cabinet doors open and 
me in heavy pjs and 
warm socks!



That house sure is pretty and the snow dog was sure having fun. We gotta drip water tonight here too.
Marie Smith said…
The new house sounds like it will involve less work than the previous home. The new one should be much easier for you brother and SIL to care for. It is beautiful.

Love that nuthouse!
Ann said…
Moving sounds exhausting. Their new house is gorgeous.
It's really cold here too. High yesterday was 11 today it's only supposed to be 9
Christine said…
Lovely hoyse -Christine
Sandee said…
Their new home is beautiful. Inside and out. Wow.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Liz A. said…
Brrr. Not good moving weather. But then again, it's better than moving in the unbearable heat.
Darla M Sands said…
Wow! I hope you didn't push too hard. ~hugs~ Animals sure adore you, and rightfully so. :D Be well, my dear.
BeachGypsy said…
Wow, Pam, you've been BUSY. Slow down and take care of yourself when you can. I think their new home is very very pretty! that picture of their neat light fixture coming in the front, you could enlarge that, put into a nice frame, and give it to them for a housewarming present. I bet they would find somewhere to hang it! We have snow here tonight, I haven't seen snow in YEARS. Loved all the pictures.

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