Internet, Honey, Gaps in Fridge, Hide and Seek with the QUEEN and Weather and Blooming

I used to tell my mom that if\
if the internet had been around
when I was in school, I would have
graduated with straight A's.
I love reading and learning new
things and the net really help's with 
that. More fun than doing the 
research in a book.
Just the other day I read this~
One tablespoon of honey is enough
to keep a person alive for 24 hours.
It also contains a substance that helps
brain function better.
YAY, I should be getting smarter
by the day. I have started using honey
in my hot tea that I drink once or
twice a day.
I feel it, the brain is thanking

Its Monday as I type out this
post, and I just dumped a ton of 
science experiments in the trash.
If you are not aware of what I 
am referring to ~ I cleaned out the 

I have been here a little over a 
year and like I have blogged about
before, it's time to do some changing,
make the house mine or change what
I am not totally fond of.
I had been wondering long before
this last clean out but why do 
the shelves not slid up to the 
back of the inside of the fridge?

I asked this on FB and a friend
said it was so the cold could 
circulate through the fridge.
Well crap, prob don't need to cover those
gaps up, at least not all the way.
I mean, seriously it is a big 
enough gab for a cereal bowl to
fall through.
So, my fix was a pool
noodle cut to size.

Cut a slit down the middle

and fit over the back of the 

I was not happy with the
fit, there was still space open
back there, so the next few ones
I wedged in the opening. After
finding out that the space is 
there for a reason, I decided I 
needed to slip them all and 
fit them to the back of the shelf.
That way, there is a stop to 
keep me from pushing stuff 
back and through the whole, but
not stopping the movement of 

In the mist of a game of, 
"where's Lily",
Lily hid in the middle of the living
room, in an open box, and of
course I acted like I could not
see her but when I got tired of
doing that, I threw my jacket over
Now she naps, in the box, 
covered from the world to 
see her!

The last few months I 
have started calling her 
Lily Butt 
and not 
Lily Bit.
Why, she is a brat and 
She wants it her way and 
will yell at me till I go and
find out what she wants.
Maybe I should call her 
Dakota was the KING,
only right I should have a 
I don't know, Lily
Butt rolls off the 
tongue so easy!

This is how I felt 
Wed morning, 
my body was telling 
me rain was coming.

Wee hours of this 
morning, the rain came
in. Yes, I feel it.

Do you have those sort
of days that you feel
the weather in your
body? Mine is not in 
my bones like most say,
but mine is in the tender
soft tissues of my body
along with my nerves. 
I have had my coffee
for my head and neck
pain. It is amazing how that
works, however, it does
not help the other 
body pain. 

Also, at 3:30am, I 
woke coughing my head
off and clearing my
throat. I got up and did 
a couch drop, helped a
lot. But I figure with the 
warmed temps the last
couple of days has 
brought out some blooming
of somethings, and I 
am already feeling it.
I will give it a tad 
longer before I start
allergy pills daily.

Do the seasonal blooming
and pollen get to 
you? What do you do to
help with that?



Mari said…
The weather certainly does affect my aches and pains! So far it's too cold to be having allergy issues but they'll be coming too. :)
The pool noodle fix is a good one!
Liz A. said…
Do you fall asleep while you have a cough drop? I'll wake up coughing and do the same thing, but I end up waking up with a half dissolved cough drop in my mouth. (I have since switched to cough syrup ;))
Christine said…
Yes humidity brings out the aches
Darla M Sands said…
I don't know where to begin answering your queries. lol Allergies provide an endless struggle year round. Anyhow, your stories are always good. :D Blessings, my dear.
Changes in the weather always gets the aches and pains on alert here!
Miss Merry said…
I'm a huge pool noodle fan. I have used them, slit just like yours, on edges of coffee tables, etc to keep toddlers heads from crashing into them. I have some on the edges of a bookshelf too close to the door in my junk room - where I bumped my own head. I like to pick some up at the dollar store every summer "just in case". When my daughter had an autistic child in her classroom who would constantly drum on his desk, the team brainstormed what they could do so it wouldn't be such a distraction to other. Someone suggested the pool noodle fix, but it was winter. No worries, said my daughter. My mom always keeps a supply.
Lux G. said…
That pool noodle trick for the fridge is a clever idea. I might give that a try to fix the gaps in mine.

Lily sounds like quite the character. Calling her "Lily Butt" made me smile. Our fur babies definitely know how to keep us on our toes.

Seasonal allergies hit me hard too. I try sipping on some peppermint tea to ease the symptoms. Hope you find some relief soon.
Ann said…
Yes, the weather sure makes a difference in how I feel. Rain and cold always makes me more achy.
Jeanie said…
You've convinced me. If I ever have to evacuate, I'm grabbing the jar of honey! And yes, on the weather. (Hello, sinus head -- I guess it's going to rain!) LOVE Lily's hiding spot!

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