Funeral, Trip To, Growth, Untouched Items, and Resetting

 Headed to Hermitage, my
old stomping grounds. 
Do you sometimes 
wonder if you are not 
suppose to get somewhere cause
things just seem to keep
delaying you?
I do, when I was younger
I did not listen to those events
but now I do.

Yesterday, I knew I had to head
to town, and there was
two reasons for going,
to be with Julie and to say 
good bye to her brother, 
However, the last two 
weeks have been hard,
but I pushed that behind me
and got ready, but only after
I sit there and lost track 
of time. I had already taken 
my shower, but there was makeup
and getting dressed. 
I managed, after years of doing
this for work, I have the makeup
down to a science. Deciding on 
what black dress to wear was 
a little harder. It's a woman thing,
to have more than one black dress
and do have issues deciding which
one to wear.

All that done, I headed out the 
door and part of the way down
the road, I realized I forgot
my handkerchief. Oh well, I was
not going back. They would have
tissues at the funeral home.
What? Not even off my road I 
get behind a semi pulling 
logs, slowly around the curves 
of my road. 

Finally, I was able to by the 
truck, only after about 20 mins, but 
I had to stop for gas. 

Gas gotten, interstate travel,
and moving really well.
Interstate 70 miles per hour,
but I always manage to do more.
Don't panic, I don't do over 80.
Reason~ I messed around with my
car settings a couple of years ago.
I set a thing called my key. I will
stop me from going any faster
then 80. 
Anyway, be bopping down the 
road and I hit a backup.
Changing interstates from 
one to merging to the other, 
there was a wreck. I saw no
ambulance so I am sure no one
was badly hurt, but the accident
was blocking my route. Thirty 

Yay, it was cleared up and I 
was again on my way. 
Almost there, off the interstate
and in Hermitage. Four lanes, 
I needed the far lane to turn, 
and I get behind Mr. Poke Along.
On the road the funeral home is 
on, and there is a back up, 
two lanes and they were
walking on the road. That was 
only 5 mins and I was finally 
parking. Get out of the car and 
I slip! Caught myself so 
all was well.

Lots of signs I should have
stayed home but my friends,
Julie the sister, Lisa the cousin
and Vic, grew up with Wayne 
and Julie, needed support. Not
saying that they could not get that
from others, but for me, I had
to be there.

Coming home, 
traffic, nerves, dark, and I was 
just traveling along when all of a 
sudden at 70 miles per hour, a semi
started into my lane and not in front of 
me, it would have been on top of me.
The horn and me hitting my brakes, took
the semi back to his lane.
But on top of all that....
My heart is still aching for 
Julie and her family.

I get asked all the time if I 
enjoy where I live now? I live in a really
rural area compared
to where I have always lived.
I married at 20, and some years
later, my father in law, wanted
to purchase a home and land
near them. First off, I did not
want to live in that area and 
second, I did not wish to 
live that far out in the middle
of nothing. Although, it is all
grown now. I have my issues
living out here but the plus to it 
all is I am away from the 
growth of Nashville. The area in 
which I lived had started down
hill. Nashville was growing all
around me. It got to the point that
the errands I use to run took longer
with all the traffic. 
Answer to that question,
YES. I will get through
the issues I have.

Like everyone around the US.,
I continue to hear about the damage
of the fires in LA. Also, seeing a lot
of pics. Here are a few I 
saw this morning.

The irony of these pics,
pics of things left untouched
from the fire, when all around
it burned.

So horrible.

Here are a few more pics
of untouched items.

Here in the south we are
feeling for the folks out in 
Calif., however, our hearts
still bleed for those folks
still with no place to live in 

Told a friend in Calif. just
yesterday, I feel like our world
is still upside down with all
we have been through in the last
five years. The earth tried to  
reset itself in 2020, and it makes
me wonder, if it's still trying. 

What are your thoughts on 
the things the earth is 
dealing with?


Ann said…
Sounds like everything was working against you when you tried to get to that funeral. I hate going to them but there are some that just can NOT be missed under any circumstances.
Marie Smith said…
The U.S. has been hit hard the last year with the fires and hurricane. It is heartbreaking to see, even from afar.
Darla M Sands said…
I'm so glad you made it home safe. ~hugs~ I've experienced many such trips. ~sigh~ My husband and I hope that the incoming White House administration's greater competence will set things back on a better course.

Yes, the Earth is hurting, but climate change didn't set California on fire. And the Carolina folks whose homes got washed away never received deserved help while California forest mismanagement has cost American taxpayers billions over the decades.


Blessings, my dear.
Liz A. said…
Ah, traffic. Not fun to deal with. But you made it. And you knew you needed to be there.

Climate change is real. That's what it all is--hurricanes, fires, floods. There are things that we can do about it, but sadly the worst polluters (various corporations like oil, but not just them, of course) fight tooth and nail to not implement the things they need to do to mitigate the crisis.
Christine said…
Sorry for your loss and awful on the LA fires too.
Good on you for powering through and supporting your friend, I am sure it meant a lot to her.

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