Barefoot, Limbo, Sunset, Moon and the Star

  I have always, since I was 
a child, loved walking
Problem now,
my feet are older 
and where
once I could walk 
on rocks, 
I have a hard time walking 
in grass now. Plus,
 after coming
in contact with 
chiggers last
summer, I sort of 
don't want
to be outside barefoot. 
Then, of course I do
not want to step on a 
snake while out either.
Talk about being 

I love sharp minds 
that come up with things
like this.

Replies to comments
Terry over at 
stated ~ Hey, one of
 our friends was in
 Dirty Dancing, she 
was one of
 the dancers. 

That is so cool! Was
 she one of the
ones that you saw often? 
I love that movie 
and sure wished
I could move like 
those dancers.

Darla over at
said, "Do you harbor 
any interest 
in seeing the movie "Wicked"?"

Oh yes, but will probably 
wait till it comes out on
streaming. I have seen the
play Wicked, and liked it.

Liz over at
"Besides, if you didn't 
have some
 project going (or in the planning stages)
 you wouldn't be content. You'd
 find something to change."

You seem to know me so well!
I have always liked chances, 
but in this case, even though
things are new, the house
does have to have my 

Cell phones just don't 
do the trick with picking
up color.

There was a lot of orange
that did not pick up.

And when you zoom in 
things don't look that 
But I loved this
pic of the moon and 
the one star to
 the right.
I took this Friday 
evening. The last two 
days the skies have been 
so bright and clear with 
no clouds. According to 
the weather, things area
about to change. 

How has the temp and 
weather been at your 
part of the world?



Jeanie said…
Cold as can be with windchills in the sub-zero category. Hunkering down!
Ann said…
I like those pictures of the trees. My cell phone is terrible with pictures that I zoom all the way in on.
Liz A. said…
I don't think that's a star. It's a planet. Venus, likely. I heard Venus was close to the moon right now. A couple months back, the planet that was close to the moon was Jupiter.

There's an app you can put on your phone and you point it at the night sky, and it'll tell you what you're looking at. (That's how I figured out the planet next to the moon was Jupiter. As for Venus, I read an astronomer who said they were close just a day or so ago.)
Such nice photos. It's brrrr cold here too. Hey, the dirty dancer we know was in all of the group dance scenes but mostly seen in the last one. We don't see her often since they moved out of our neighborhood.
Your pictures of the trees are beautiful. Happy New Year!

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