Wellness Check, Misty River, Father Christmas, Oldest Piece, Lily Bit and Resolutions and Goals

 Although Lily has gone from
this to 
meowing loudly but either
way, she knows how to 
do a wellness check.

Then we have this girl.

Such an innocent face and 
But I am thinking it is not
so innocent.
I have found that there are
times I think she is doing things
just to tick Lily off.
Like coming into the room
when I am loving on 
Lily, cause she knows Lily 
will get pissed and run. 

The life of CATS!

But if you look behind the pic
of Misty you will see that
the shelves are bare and right
above her backend, Santa hats
are stacked and ready to pack.
Working on things slowly.

 In working slowly to get the 
Christmas stuff away I thought
I would share this,
Father Christmas.

In 1995 I started selling Christmas Around the
World. The kit to sell cost
150 bucks at that time.
You would get your kit and the first
150 bucks of sales paid
for it and it became
mine. I had to be able
to answer questions
without looking through
the catalog
each time for prices and
info on the item. To make
that easier I wrote everything out on sticker and applied
them to the backs of the item. With Father Christmas
I applied the sticker under the
robe. As you can see, Father Christmas
still wears his sticker.

My oldest piece was given
to me in 78, by my boss at
The Hermitage, Gift Shop.

All ornaments are packed,
and sitting in the hall
to be put away. The
trees have been boxed
back up and they are
already in their hiding
place till next year!
Before putting the
stuff in the closet I
am going to vacuum
out in there and
restack some things.
Then clean the room,
top to bottom.
Oh yay, more

I got to missing Lily Bit
on Sunday, and
since I did not make my
bed, she took advantage of
that fact.

She burrowed herself in for
a long nap.
Had I not been deep in
putting Christmas away, I
would probably have crawled
in for a nap also.

Today, Tuesday,
the wind is whipping
and I am not going
out to take
Christmas stuff down.
Wind tends to give
me a headache when
I go out in it. It will
get done, just

I have been thinking
about resolutions,
goals and words.
I don't do resolutions,
cause I always seem
to not come about.
Goals seemed like
and easy thing to
meet, but then I realized
a goal is the same
as a resolution just
with a different
name. Then there is
picking a word for
the year, but a word
does you no good
unless you strive to
meet it and that seems
too much like a
resolution or goal!
I have decided to
meet each day,
one day at a time,
one step at a time,
and just be thrilled when
I do something
new, good, meaningful.

With all that said,
I hope to work on
eating better for my
health and kidneys.
Yes, food plays a part
in kidneys. Amazing!
This is not a goal
or anything else these
are just thoughts and
they came about
long before the thoughts
of the new year.

But to you,
I wish you the
Merriest and Happiest
New Year full of
friends, family,
love and meaning,


Sandee said…
I love the small habits the best. I'm in. Thank you.

Have a fabulous day and week. Happy New Year. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Such sweet kitties you are Lily and Misty! I like the small habits thing too. Happy New Year from all of us!
Liz A. said…
You put up your Christmas early, so it might take you some time to get it all down. I don't think anyone is going to time you, so just take as long as you need.

I don't do New Year's resolutions as I like the idea that you can make a new start at any time during the year. No need to wait for January 1st.
Ann Thompson said…
I won't start working on putting Christmas away until tomorrow. I may even let it go a little longer this year. I'm in no hurry.
Small habits lead to big things.
Christine said…
haha on the wellness check
Darla M Sands said…
I'm with Sandee! Blessings for a great 2025, my dear.
Cats know exactly what they are doing! I am with you on resolutions.

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