PJ's, Circular Rainbow, The Cat Stare, and Christmas Commercials

 Wally World shopping one day
last week I saw these cute
pjs for kids. The top pink 
part is a hood. And who
don't love a Care Bear!
For adults they have this.

I like laying around and relaxing 
in things like this but I can't sleep
in something that thick and hot.
Just sharing cause I thought they
were cute. 
You know me, anything to blog

A friend of mine that lives
here in TN has a son that lives
in California. About 35 mins from
my son. So neat they live that close.
Anyway, she flew home from 
San Diego the other day and 
looked out to this site.

Looking it up on Google she 
found this~
A circular rainbow is typically called a "glory,"
which is an optical phenomenon that appears as a
small, circular rainbow around the shadow of an
observer's head, often seen when flying in an airplane
and looking at the mist below; it's caused by light
interacting with tiny water droplets
in the air, creating a halo-like effect.

 Now that is interesting. 

Talk about interesting, 
I am not sure what these two 
found so interesting in me to 
continue to stare at me, for so

Can you find the cats?

It's now 5:30 pm, Wed evening, cold as crap 
outside. Lily is on the back of the 
couch and Misty
 on the cable box
in front of the tv with her rear blocking
the control area so I can't adjust the
volume on the tv!!

Have you seen this commercial?

But it's this commercial 
that brings back memories.
Course unless you were a product
of teen years in the 70s, you might 
not get this one..



Ann said…
That rainbow is so cool I've never seen anything like it.
Gibbs does that often to me. He sits in the middle of the room and stares at me while I watch tv. It kind of drives me nuts.
I have seen the Saturday night fever commercial. Not sure if I've seen the other one or not.
Sandee said…
We don't have commercials here and sometimes I miss them. Love the Travolta one the best.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Pam. Scritches to the precious kitties. ♥
Christine said…
Cute baby clothes
Darla M Sands said…
I enjoy your eclectic posts. :D Like you, warm pajamas are too much. Hugs, my dear.
Jeanie said…
They're staring at you because they love you. Or else they're trying to freak you out. They do that, you know!
I haven't seen that Santa Strut commercial but I'll be on the lookout. Hello Misty, hello Lily!

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