The Family, The Painting, The Group, Armadillo, and Gray Ball of Fur

Cute little family, 
waiting on the fourth to 
May be an image of 3 people

Look at sassy Evie
with her hand on her hip.

Hannah opened the gift I 
brought and held it up for
everyone to see.
May be an image of 3 people and text

Then she showed Brayden.

May be an illustration of 1 person, elephant and text

They got a little of everything.
For sure I can say
 that little
Beckham will be a really well
dressed and stylish little
man. He got a lot of clothes.

Can't wait to hold baby Beckham.

Sunday came and I had an 
invite to the venue for a hotdog
cookout. I left there a yr this month
when Julie had a going away for me.
I stopped in one day when I was
out there but this is the first
get together I have attended.
It was GREAT seeing

Ragged strange bunch of good
Course, left to right bottom row is 
James, Julie, Krystal, Aric, Gigi, me
Tammy and Clint.
Left to right top row is
oops, forgot his name. Vic, Jerry,
Mitzi, Lisa, Wayne and I don't
know this woman, her name was
Holly and that baby was
the sweetest.

This next pic, I sort of need
to set this story up for you.
For years, long before moving to 
Nunnelly, I noticed on all my
trips to visit Amber, I always
saw an armadillo on the side of the 
rode, on its back with legs in the air.
They have no damage to them, 
but they are dead, always on their
back and always with the legs up.
Amber and I have discussed this
many times and laughed about it.

For a couple of weeks I have
been meaning to set the timer
on my camera and get in the
floor to take a pic like this 
and PRIVATELY send to 
Amber. I had Julie take this
pic and she was suppose to 
send to me....but NO
she put it on facebook along
with a video. 
so anyway, I tagged Amber
in the video.

My question has always been,
how did they make it up 
from Tx. in one piece to die
on the road here, cause I never
see alive one?

Now to start your day with 
a sweet gray ball of fur...

At 7 am this Monday morning, 
I sat down to do my blogging
and FB surfing, when the fur ball
got up on my chest. I sat the laptop
aside and wrapped her up in 
my sweater. She fell right to sleep,
and so did I. At 7:30 my 
daughter called and work us but
since I was sleeping she let
me go and I did not have
the heart to move this girl, 
so, me still sitting up we went back to 
sleep (after I took the pic) and slept
till 9. 
That was some good sleeping.

Have a beautiful day,




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