Hot Water Heater Mishaps

 As I stated the hot water heater
sprung a leak, from the bottom. 

My younger brother came to help 
with the issue. Problem, the 
value at the bottom where you screw in 
the hose to drain the tank, was 
all clogged up. 
It sets so close to the bottom 
that it is hard to slip a 
bucket under to catch water if we
were to get the clog undone.
There was no moving it
till water was drained off the tank.

We opened the top value, and leaned
it over to drain into buckets.
I have a great big 
plastic tub, like this one.
We filled it by leaning the 
hot water heater over.

Finally got enough off to be
able to slid onto the two wheeler 
and move out of the garage.
Once we had it there, 
we lowered it to the ground
and let it finish with the drain.
Mark went to Lowes and got
another one, installed it and 
had me up and running.
The damage had been done though.
With the unit on the 
other side of the BR, water came
under the wall and flooded the BR, 
and the carpet in the den. 
Yes, the same two rooms that the
sewer messed up.

The water was so deep that 
as I walked on the carpet, water
came up around my feet.

Rented a shampoo machine, to 
suck up the water. 
Three days, and hours, and hours
of time, I got up 7 gallons of
water. It was so bad that when I moved
the machine to a spot, I let it set there till
nothing else was coming up. I would move
it back a little and repeat. This took all 
day. But then the next day I 
would go over it again and what 
should have been dry was soaked 
again. So much water under the 
carpet that once dry, it soaked up 

Three days, of SUCKING.
I then went and rented a large
dehumidifier. Day one, I was able
to sit in the floor and not get wet 
but there are still a few spots. I 
figure that tomorrow, all should be 
done and okay! 
The moister also warped the paneling,
the dehumidifier is helping with 
that also.

Storms possible today...
Along with possible tornados.
Amber is here to help with the 
last bit of things to do before
movers on Monday. I told Amber,
"great, a tree will blow over 
and hit the house!"


My son called last night and 
when I said hello, I hear, 
"four more days"!!!
At which point I filled him in 
on the hot water heater crap!



Mari said…
Aaagh! I hope the paneling goes back. What a pain!
Christine said…
This is in your new home? Awful
That sure is a mess. What an evil hot water demon it was!
Dealing with a leaking hot water heater sounds like quite the challenge. It's fortunate that your younger brother could lend a hand. Using buckets and a plastic tub to manage the water while addressing the clog is resourceful.
Darla M Sands said…
Oh, be safe. ~hugs~ And I hope all things take a better turn for you, my dear.
I bet you cannot wait to get the hell out of there and leave that stress behind you. May your future be problem-free and filled with joy as you move into your new house
Liz A. said…
What a mess. But it sounds like progress is being made. Good job on that.
Ann said…
Fingers crossed that nothing else happens between then and now.
Marie Smith said…
Oh my Pam. I am glad you have help. I pray you are safe and the house escapes damage today. You’ll be on my mind! Take care!
Jeanette said…
Nothing worse than water in the house where it's not supposed to be! Glad you got everything fixed and drying up now!
That sounds awful! Dealing with water damage is always such a pain.

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