Replies to Comments, Me and Emmy, Baby Room Decor and Paintings


Darla, I prob will. I am going to 
put my garden wagon together and 
haul them around in that. I will not 
be haul/carrying them from one spot
to the other. 
Mind you, Amber gets mad when I 
don't ask for help, but what Amber
don't get, her boys never had to do
the things I do, so, its just easier
for me to do things myself. 
Kids today, don't really understand
yard work cause the parents usually
do it or hire it done.

Cool Terry, thanks. Its funny,
all my life, never being around 
cats much, I never thought of them
as being like dogs, all different. 
Living with Lily and Misty, they
are like my kids were,
totally different!

Thank you all for always stopping in 
to comment and say hi.

When I went for dinner Saturday
night at Ambers, I was scroll on my 
phone when Amber snapped this 
pic of Emmy and me.

I am a firm believer that in family
get togethers, dinner etc that
phones should be put away, but I
was looking for a pic to share 
with Amber. If I have mine in 
my hand during these times, I am
taking pics or looking for a pic.

Hannah has picked out the colors
blue and dinos for Beckhams
bedroom. This is what she has
picked out for the crib.

I was going to buy them a nice crib
that I found here in town, used, in 
great condition, but they wanted one
that has the changing table attached.
So, then it left me trying to figure out 
what else to get along with what I already
have. Amber suggested a painting.
I decided to paint the 
dinos in crib blanket. That is all
fine and good, but mixing those colors
and trying to get them right was
not easy. So. I decided that it was just
as easy for me to paint with blues, 
close to the colors.

I also could not stand the plain 
look of the painting so I added my
own touches. 

However, looking at it I was not pleased.
Why, the moon for one, way to bright.
I then went in and added shadows, and 
some detail in other areas. I also 
played more with the moon.
Yes, I toned it down and I do like it 
better. I will tell you what I told Amber, 
on simple, no detail, kindergarten 
paintings like this,  

 I have a harder
time doing them then I do harder
detail oil paintings like the 
two below.

But at least Hannah will have
something on the walls in 
Beckhams wall and it will 
somewhat match his stuff.

Looking at the two paintings above,
makes me want to pull out
oils and paint, problem is, 
I left my oils in the storage unit,
in the cold of last yr and
the heat of this yr. 
Not retrieved them yet, but
afraid to pull them out and see
what that has done to them. 

Oh well, and they are not cheap!

Have a great day,



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