Done Deal, Fall Color, Paint Class, New Man, Treat, and Soup, Cats and Broom

Well, what was I thinking?


After laying on my couch
in so much pain all summer,
I knew moving closer to 
Amber was the thing to do,
The timing of finding my
dream home was off.

However, Two days of Open House
and I have a contract.
Selling as is, minor repairs. 
Inspection to be done after 
the work in the 
den and BR is done.

The process of getting here
while just a couple of weeks
of healing was a challenge.
My daughter was a big 
help weekend before 
last. I just collect
to many projects that I 
never get around to and that
has to stop.

I have to say, last time 
was easier, I had moved into
my childhood home before
I sold the other, so it was empty
when sold.

I hate moving so close
to Christmas but it is 
what it is.

Fall seems to have
made it to us the past week.
I am surprised, we were losing
so many leaves due to no rain, 
glad to have some color.

In between packing, cleaning, repairs
and life in general, I have 
managed to do a few things.

I taught a paint class an
hour away. 

I always allow the host
two paintings to go from
They tell me what they are looking
for, I find a few, they pic two.
Then the guest have a choice
of which one to paint.

They made me get in this
pic. Second from the left.

During the great sewer back on 
June, in the den area, 
I lost paintings that I had painted
for other classes.
I always paint the two pics
up and they are on display to
go by when guest paint.
So that I would not collect painted
paintings like that, I had a drawing
and both that I took were given 

These were mine.

Other exciting news that
has taken place through
all this crazy, 
I met a new guy!

I just need to see if I 
can get him to give up the 
saw! I think he 
wanted to cut my hair.

During my Open House on 
Friday and Sat. 
James and Julie had a 
yard sale at the venue.
I had two SUV full of 
stuff. Nothing was marked
I just told them to just go 
for it and sell for whatever.
They closed up at one 
on both days, and with 
open house I could not get 
there till after one.
But, Julie insisted that 
I come Sat. and have lunch.
She is like me, a good 
soup from the crockpot
is the way to go.
But for dessert we had 
candy apples.
I have not had one of those 
since I was a kid.
That was fun, and tasty.

It inspired me to go home 
and make some to 
eat off for the a few days,

Misty managed to work
her way between the 
throw and the back of the 
Peeking at her mom.

Lily has gone right along with 
the newest of packing, 
and noise from downstairs with
the workmen.

Misty, however, is not so sure
about all that noise.

The door to the den area 
is closed so the cats
can't get in the way and
the noise is not so bad, but
she wanted to check it out anyway.
Had that door opened up, she
would have made a mad dash
to under the bed and up 
in the box springs!

Not only did I push to
paint two paintings I 
was able to do a simple
30 min project.

For years now I have wanted
to make a broom for 
when I dress as a witch.
Was not really sure how to go
about it till I saw a nice
one in a small store in 
Bell Buckle TN.
The woman told me how she made it.

Two bought cinnamon
brooms that you find in
the stores this time of year.
I took them apart and 
laid the on one side of a 
limb I collected from the 
yard a couple of yrs ago
I wrapped twine around that
and the limb once or twice
just to hold it so I could
flip it over and to the other side.
Once I had that done I continued
to wrap twine a bunch of times 
so I knew the broom part would
stay in place.

When wrapping the broom part,
I actually placed the bottom of 
the broom parts a way up the 
limb so that when I stood the 
broom the bulk of the weight 
rest on the limb not the 
other part. After I was done
 with the wrapping of the 
cinnamon part, I added 
some decorative had here 
at the house.
 I love the circular width of 
the limb for the handle but
I loved the shape also.
Only, it's too tall, 
Since I like the crook, I
am going to cut it just 
above the crook, leaving 
the width of a hand to hold 
it. Problem, is there are boxes
stacked around the saws.
Prob have to wait on the 

Where the crook starts is 
a cool knot that I will 
keep and not cut off.

My hand is placed right
about the knot, so I really
have to get some cut off it or 
I think it will make flying

Hoping all is well,



Although it sounds like you were extremely busy, it is important to have fun. It looks like you had lots of fun!
Marie Smith said…
Great progress! You sound much better these days Pam. I am happy for you with the sale and the move closer to your daughter!
Christine said…
Exciting about the new house even better closer to Amber. Good for you teaching a painting class, you are so talented.
Liz A. said…
It sounds like you were able to get rid of a lot of stuff at that yard sale. And bonus, you didn't have to be there for it. It sounds like the move is coming along. Take care.
BeachGypsy said…
Wow Pam!!-- you surely DID get busy! I do love your painting of the snowy church-- very pretty. You are so crafty and talented especially at painting. Love the kitty pictures! I LOVE to crock pot too. Made a big batch of chili yesterday. Not sure if I told you but I got my taco soup recipe from you about 3 or so years ago I think it was? I've made it hundreds of times since---- well maybe not of HUNDREDS....LOL. we love it. I had never heard of it before. Take care---- KEEP PACKING!! CONGRATS on the QUICK contract!
Darla M Sands said…
Broom safety is of the upmost importance. ~giggle~ I wish you all the best, my dear. Take care!
Ann said…
Congratulations on things going so well at the open house. How exciting this will be. I'm thinking a bit exhausting too but once in your new home you can relax.
It sounds like things are moving right along, good for you!
Mari said…
Nice broom! :)
I really like that old church painting. So cute!
Hooray for the contract.
Jeanie said…
You've been a whirlwind and I don't know how you are pulling it off, especially after the surgery and lead up to it. But you go, girl!

I just LOVE your church painting. It has a wonderful feel to it. And congratulations on selling your house so fast. It's kind of a speedy transition but hey, you do what you have to do. And it sounds like you do have help.

Love seeing the cats!
Food Blogger said…
Looks like you had fun time!
Jeanette said…
Happy you got a contract on your house! Houses seem to sell fast these days! Love the broom!
That's good news about the house.
Sweet pictures of the cats.

Take care, lots of good wishes coming your way.

All the best Jan
Rhodesia said…
I see you have not posted for a while but I have been even longer. I hope all is well. Take care Diane
Food Blogger said…
Looks like you had much fun!
BeachGypsy said…
just stopping in to see how its all going. Hope you're doing okay. It's a BIG BIG job to get your house ready to sell, and then to PACK UP AND MOVE. It will all be worth it. Hang in there.

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