OCTOBER, Card, Halloween, Girls, Reading, Gloves and Continuing Crap

It's October 
You know I love 
I love the colors,
I love the smells,
I love the food,
I love it all!!!

I even made a card to 
send to my son and 
DIL letting them know I 
loved their visit using 
fall leaves, and colors.

Of course, October and fall
My favorite holiday.

Not only do I love
I love 

Moving on to this little

Some days she just makes it 
hard to watch TV. 

If I say something to her,
I get that look above....

Haha....girl is a mess.

Like I mentioned I love the
fall, and the cooler temps.
I wore long sleeves yesterday, 
granted it was light weight
but they were long, and it was 
in the high 70's. haha

But with the cooler temps
comes more cuddle time with 
Lily Bit.
You see, during the warmer
temps, she don't really
like to cuddle. but I get more
of this when things start to change.

Pretty sure my face looked
as content as hers did in 
the pic below.

Look at that, isn't that the sweetest
of faces?

But not only do I get more
cuddle with Lily,
Misty sort of wants
on the band wagon too!

Course, I get time with her
even in the warmer months, 
but I love all my time I 
can get with her and Lily.

Another change comes with 
cooler months,
I start reading again.

I love to read but only do it
mostly in the
cooler months and usually
before bed. Stopped
at the library yesterday and
picked up a couple of
books. Got so into it I did not
curl up for sleep till
after two, but at least the
girls let me sleep in!

Yesterday, Wednesday, 
I had an appt for an ultrasound, 
with that note, things were still
not going right.
More on that later.

But after I did that, I picked up 
Braden and took him for 
a checkup at his doc.
While we waited on the doc,
B grabbed a glove from the box
on the wall. I asked him what
 he was going to do with it and 
he said he did not know. I told him
that he needed to put it 
back before the doc came in, 
knowing that he was not
going to, then he walked
over to the box and pointed
out the word "FREE"....and 
said, "see Nana, they are FREE!"

Oh my gosh, he is my
grandson so how could I
expect any less.

Now more on my UTIs, stones,
surgery....whatever at this point!
I know I am not losing my
mind (at least about this)
and I knew that I was
not healing like I should be.
Lots has changed but the spasms
in the bladder stayed around.
I have been taking spasm meds
for months, I even added
extra Vit D3 to the mix that
helps with bladder spasms but
here I am, 1.5 months after surgery
and some days the spasms are
very painful.

With a CT scan last week
and an ultrasound yesterday,
I found that I have two small
pieces of stone not wishing to
leave my body. Doc appt next
week and maybe I will know more.
But now I know, this was not
in my head, it really is in the

In hopes this is closure coming
my way now that we know there
are still pieces to get out.
By the way, that left kidney,
the one giving all the issues,
the one all jacked up~
I am about to dive into the
unknown with it.
Records from last doc,
surgery last year, are
on the way to me. How do you
feel about giving your
life over to doctors when you
are in need of healing? Going
under the knife for the healing
process? Me, I questioned things
last yr. and was scared to do it
all again this year, but knew at
the point I was at, I was lucky
to not have set up with
sepsis so I had to place my
life in their hands




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