Homecoming, Krystal, Downtown Bon Aqua, and Mums,

 DJ used to love to play football 
for the school but the last two
years he has not wanted to.
But, Braden has played baseball
for years now, and he will be playing
spring ball with the school when spring
rolls around. 
With that said, I have no grands
playing sports, but that did not
stop me from wanting to attend
DJs high school homecoming.
I have not attended a 
homecoming in so many
years, I can't even think back that
far. However, I am thinking, it was
when I was in school!

Friday night, Amber, hubs Will,
Braden, DJ and I 
went to the game and what
a beautiful night for
a game.

King and queen.


The sky was so pretty
with the sun going down.
Kids are on Fall Break next
year, so all week at school
leading up to homecoming they
had different activities at 
school. Friday was Halloween
costume day.

So cute.

There were a lot of kids dressed
up but I did not get pics
of them, they were moving around
and walking past to fast to 
worry with.

This is the school mascot,
The Eagle.

The young man playing the 
part of an Eagle was amazing.
He hung with it all evening,
danced, jumped around and 
had a good time with it.
But I have to say, that 
looked like one mad

For those of you living and 
teaching (Liz) at
California schools probably
had to shut your mouth when 
it dropped open on the pic below...
Why, I am sure those bands 
at those schools are
Bigger than this.

Rural area living!
Two flag girls, and no dance
(forgot what they are called) 
drill team girls.

WOW.....I used to attend a small
town football team when my son
played for Portland TN High, 
and the stands were packed.
The town really supported that school.
I used to joke and say if anyone
wanted to rob somewhere, during the 
game was the time, everyone
was there, including what 
appeared to be the whole
police department.
But even with that being 
a small town, the band
was a lot BIGGER!

Oh, and by the way,
Hickman won, with four points
more. They topped out at 46.

Pretty sure some states, like Calif.
does not have this burger joint.
These are a square burger,
on a cute little square bun,
thin patty cooked and covered 
with tiny pieces of onion which
makes it amazing. Mustard is the 
only fixing other than the 
onion and pickles.
Bun is steamed!
I don't do them often, but 
Friday while out doing errands,
 I picked up four, they are small
but even with that, I ate only two.
Tummy just don't hold much.
I took the above pic to share on 
FB with my bud Phil Cicero.
When we worked together in 
Photo Service, we loved getting 
these. But the joke in the office was
if you ate too many, the 
air your body produced with all
the onions, could be wicked.
So, I tagged Phil on the pick with 
the message, "Sometimes you 
just have to do it"!!!

I had to share with you these pics
I live in Nunnelly, but there are
all these communities around 
me, Lyles, Bon Aqua and so many
more. These pics were taken
just down the street from

This is a back road from the 
main highway, by passing 
some traffic. The first pic is me
coming up on a four way stop.
On the left is the Johnny Cash
museum, you can see part of the 
building, I am not sure when this
is even open but I have gone by
a couple times to see buses there.
One the right, at the corner is a 
little white house, fenced in 
and has to mini donkeys, goats,
ducks and chickens. Across from the
house is a vacant building, and on
the corner across from the museum 
is nothing. 

Amber travels this road daily going
to and from work but she never
noticed till I pointed it out,
the sign that reads,
"welcome to downtown
Bon Aqua".....

Oh my gosh, 
what downtown?

That reminds me of a conversation 
I had with a vendor sitting in a parking
lot of the local pizza shop.
This vendor was selling 
mums. I drove up cause I had Amber
on the phone and we were wondering of
prices of the mums.
I asked the woman sitting there,
how much they were, 
quote that I got was,
"12.50 each, or two for 25."
I held it in, did not laugh, I just
said to Amber on the phone, 
did you get that?
I thanked the woman and drove off,
Of course, if I buy TWO at 
12.50 each, it will total 
25, but the woman seemed so 
proud of her deal of selling two 
together. What happened to that
little discount to get you to buy
the second one?

And folks~

Happy Weekend,



Attending the High School Homecoming sounds like a lot of fun. I love all of the photos. Brings back memories. Those Krystal burgers remind me of White Castle burgers. Nice that you can take some back roads. Hope you have a nice week.
BeachGypsy said…
Oh Pam I LOVE Krystals!!! Haven't had any in ages. The football game looked like lots of fun! Mercy, we sat on those hard bleacher seats and basketball seats for so many years spent in gyms and football fields, sure enjoyed it back then and glad we don't do it anymore!!! LOL---(Unless Granddaughter is in something when she is older)

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