Evie, Braden, Cory, Amber, Me, and Bringing Laughter

 Guess who got to go on a field
trip with school?
Evie got to get a pumpkin.
She is just too adorable.

At five this girl is looking so grown.

A few months back this little girl
had a lot going on in her life, 
starting of kindergarten was coming 
up, mom and dad got engaged, they 
all three moved in together, and 
then Evie found out that she 
was going to be a big sister.
With all that, at the same time, due
to the events or not, she started 
acting out. She was saying if mom
had a girl she was going to 
be mean to it, which bothered 
us all. She started hitting and 
really talking back. 
Taking this info to the doc, they
learned that children with the 
issues Evie lives with causes
outburst and anxiety. But, in the last month 
or so, things have gotten better,
with a med added to her daily
routine. I hate that we are a world
of MEDS but this little girl
would never make it through
school without it.
With that said, my youngest grandson,

has ADHD. So badly that
he is on meds to get him through 
school each day. When I pick him up some
days after school, I so dislike the boy he is, 
he is so quiet, you can't even get a smile
from him. Its like there is nothing there.
I hate how the meds do him, 
but without them, he is so wild and 
bouncing off the walls. It is hard to
be around him at time when he 
is off the meds too. 
I have dealt with all this for years,
my son Cory was like Braden.

Cory, without meds, you literally 
had to tie him down, he was climbing,
jumping, busting in on all conversations,
rolling, basically bouncing all 
over. We had to do meds for him
also. As an adult, Cory deals, 

without meds. It is not always
easy for him but that is partly
why Cory is so out going, 
so entertaining, and why
when he crashes, he
But he has anxiety attacks 
from time to time.
I wonder if that is heredity?
I have them, and Amber has them
also. By the way, the pic of Cory
as a child, head wrapped up was
what happens when a child walks
in front of someone
swinging a bat to hit a ball.

Anyway, to give Braden a break, 
he is not on meds on 
the weekends, holidays, summer
breaks or just days off from 
school. According to the doc,
it's okay to do that.
It's a shame that the world has
to depend on meds to get by,
but ADHD and Anxiety is no
different then heart issues, 
or diabetes. And with Evie, 
she has CP from the stroke she
had during delivery.

 I like to think that all
my issues stem from my 
creatively trying to work its
way out!!
That is going to be my 
story from here on out and 
I will be sticking to that!!!

Now, a few weeks ago, I 
was so down and it seemed
I was falling fast and far.
I was dealing with a long drawn
out process of recovering 
from surgery. I felt I was not
healing as fast as I should
and I did not feel like my thoughts
and feelings were getting across
to the docs. 
To be honest, and maybe this
is maybe way to much info 
to post about, 
BUT, it was all stemming 
from bladder spasms and not
being able to have control of my 
bladder. I literally spent over 
750 bucks from May to the 
first of Oct on absorbent 
panties (aka my diapers)...
In the beginning before the 
issue was found, being the stones,
I tried to cont my life as I do.
But finally, I felt so bad and I 
just did not like going out
wearing those things, and 
I was dragging the ground.
I finally feel good again.
Still in question of what to do 
about the two stones I carry, 
but I feel

How do I get through those days,

If something is bothering 
you today, 


Evie is so cute and I'm so happy she got the meds that help her so much . I'm glad you are feeling better too, that's terrific!
Conniecrafter said…
I agree that it is sad that we have to take all these meds but when we can have a better quality of life I am so thankful they are there for those that need them. My nephew was on some as a child too for ADHD and they helped a lot and then as he got older they cut back until he didn't need them anymore. I think we all deal with some form of anxiety/depression, it is just some are more milder and people are able to deal with it, but some can get out of control and it is good to have those meds. Glad you are feeling better too!
Marie Smith said…
Our step granddaughter has meds for ADHD which are essential to her life. They really help. Thankfully there is help today for the issue!
Ann said…
Evie is just adorable. It's sad that kids have to be on meds but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Liz A. said…
I'm glad you're finally feeling better. Yeah, having to be on medication sucks. If only there was a way to do the schooling thing in a way that worked with the ADHD rather than against it. But with one teacher for many kiddos... From what I've heard from those living with it as adults, it does help them focus and get the executive function stuff done that adults must accomplish, so meds are useful.
Darla M Sands said…
Hugs to you and yours, my dear. I just wish our modern medications didn't often have bad side effects, let alone react poorly with other drugs. ~sigh~ Try to not overdo things because you're feeling better. :)
Christine said…
Sorry to learn of all the health issues in your family, that is our new norm.
Sweet photograph of Evie.
Sometimes (although not ideal) medication is necessary.
Sending my good wishes and pleased you are feeling better.

All the best Jan

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