Cold and Coffee, Lilys View, Misty Sleeping and Dinner


It was really cool out Tuesday,
and I love it.
Although, it was a tad too 
cool for me to sit out
and watch tv or read.

I did go out though in the early
morn to have coffee, but it 
did not last long.

I have a small table in my room
that the tv sets on when its 
not on the deck, the girls
love having it in front
of the window so they can 
look out. 
Saturday when Amber and I 
got in from  yard selling, 
we pulled in the driveway and 
Lily ran and jumped up on 
the table, looking at us.
On Tuesday morning she 
was checking out the morning.

She preferred that better than
being on the deck in the 
early morn. Actually, she did not
go out much at all 
on Tuesday. Misty, never
set foot on the deck that day!!

This is how Misty spent the better
part of the day.
This girl sure can sleep!
She likes to eat also.

Amber is cooking a new 
meal tonight,
and I was invited to come
try it out. I love 
street corn. 
I asked, as always, what I could
bring and was told nothing, so 
I have sugar cookies in the 
I have to make things that do 
not contain chocolate cause
DJ does not eat chocolate.
He gags on it. 
Don't him he could not be
my grandson!!

Happy Wednesday to 
you all,


Sandee said…
I love your kitties and I want that chicken, corn and rice bowl. Delicious.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to Pam. ♥

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