UTI/Stone/ Kidney Update
I am not sure who
reads all this mess, or
if you even care about this
crap but here is another update
on the kidney/UTIs/stones.
Hell, at this point I am not even
sure where I left off with
I think the last was last week
when I went to Kroger.
The culture showed cells
in the urine, but less than 10,000,
means no UTI.
You got it, I had less than that
Thoughts are that it was just
a slight infection that just
came up with the removal of
the stent. But I have finished a
five day round of meds for that.
The issue still remained of
not being able to hold the bladder.
If you don't care to know that
I am still wearing absorbent panties
then you might want to skip down some.
Let me tell you how this feels
if you have never experienced it..
your kidney
it hits the bladder.
At this point the bladder
let's you know there has been
a deposit made. You usually have the
option to find the bathroom then,
or if you have a strong bladder,
hold it.
Since May, I have felt the
deposit made, but at the time
I feel that, it's to late.
It is like the bladder is not
closing the door,
to head to the BR and it starts
flowing, full force and there is
no stopping it.
I expected the stent removal
first of the month would close
that door again but it did not.
Then the infection came on.
Meds for that tad infection done,
but still taking the meds for
the bladder spasms. The spasm is
a little pain, a squeezing like feeling
that goes along with the door not
closing unless I take that med.
Monday consisted of the same
ole, same ole, stand and walk
while you pee.
Then last night the oddest thing
happened. I started have some
pain (while on spasm meds),
along with the squeezing feeling in
my lower left side, and
the standing, walking process
I went to bed
but was awaken so many times
with that squeezing pain when
up to this point, I usually woke
when the bladder would allow
the deposit out and I had a warm
feeling while sleeping.
This morning I was dry, and I have
control! The bladder says go and
I have time to go.
Lack of force and a spot
of red bright blood, but
I have control!
Where the hell does that leave me?
My thoughts, and I have sent
a note to the doc, even with the
stent a blasted piece of stone
did not make it out, and with the
narrowing of the tube from the
kidney to the bladder, it might be
stuck. The difference of control and
no control makes me think that
that pieces is moving around which
affects the body in what
ever way.
I have a CT scan scheduled for Sat.
And again, my thoughts, if there
are pockets like in the kidney,
that stone prob got stuck and did
not make it through the stent.
BUT, the issue here, it has to
I am worn out, tired but being
able to have control...
amazing feeling.
I have avoided family gatherings,
friend gatherings, shopping,
going out in general due
to all this, I want my life back.
Having control, if something
does not change, will make
my visit with my son so
much better!
Please, keep sending good
All the best Jan