Spending the Night, Fever, Princess and Throne, Thanksgiving, Hummingbirds, Socks and Top Sheets
My daughter, Amber, had
to work an hour away on
Monday and Tuesday.
Her company put her up in
a hotel Monday night so
she did not need to make
that trip home and back
on Tuesday morning.
DJ stayed with a friend whose
mom got him and her son to
school on Tuesday but Braden,
and Emmy Lou (B's dog)
stayed with me.
This is a pic of B with Felicity
cause I did not take any
Monday night.
Him and Emmy were perfect.
I was running a fever and not
feeling up to par.....hell, I am
not sure what up to par even
feels like! But I got him
dinner at Subway, got some
drinks (I only keep water here),
and snacks. I set one of the
tvs up in the guest room, he
played games and watched
tv back there, I hardly knew he
was here. He was so good.
He is such a sweetie. He thanks
me for everything I do.
His dinner, his drinks,
his snacks, taking the dog
Yep, mentioned I was running
a fever. All through this time of
UTIs I have not run a fever, but
I did all day Sunday, Monday and
on Tue. I contacted the docs office.
Rather than drive to Nashville, I
went, upon their request, to Kroger
for a urine culture. The dip test
there showed white blood cells and
full of blood. Talking to the doc,
we figured it was not a UTI
but just an infection from
the removal of the stent.
Hey, I have no clue how an
infection in the bladder is not
a UTI but whatever.
Still can't hold my bladder
either and the pain was getting
Culture back Friday, less than 10,000
cells which makes it not a UTI (????).
but still a lot of cells there.
On meds for infection and
still on meds for bladder spasms,
which is suppose to be the reason
why I can't hold my bladder.
I will address this with the Vandy
Doc come Monday.
My fear, all the UTIs has affected
my bladder.
Yes, I am pissed. Surgery was suppose
to take care of all this
crap (in my mind anyway).
Then my daughter told me yesterday
that I am not helping myself get well
cause I am depressed. I am depressed
cause I am tired of
this CRAP!
Okay....I know you are prob as
tired of all this as I am.
Update on ants....
Two nights in a row I have
had to go out and physically
pick Lily up off her
throne and bring her in
for the night.
She has taken over the
the daybed as hers.
But oh my gosh, look
how beautiful of a princess
she makes laying up there!
Okay, which one would have
to go from your
Thanksgiving table?
For me, cornbread. That is not
something that we have ever had
for Thanksgiving dinner.
If it was not on the list, I would
have to say
WHAT? haha..
I don't eat it, I have ham.
Now my grands would say,
cranberry sauce.
DJ told me last year that
cranberry sauce was an old
person dish.
Since I have had the sort
of summer I have had,
I have to say, I have enjoyed
the hummingbirds at the feeder.
I can see them from the couch.
But thank goodness I have not
looked out and saw this.
Here in the country, I am surprised!
Now that I have broken
up the conversation with other
stuff, let's move back to
B staying the night.
Two things I noticed with
B staying with me.
~ I did his laundry yesterday, his socks
matched! That seems to
be a thing, kids
today do not usually match
their socks.
Do you wear socks in
the summer? I used to never
wear them in the summer,
but my feet get cold easy
these days, so I wear
fuzzy ones around the house
sometimes. But in the winter
when I wear them...
mine match. Do you wear
matching or mismatched
when I tucked (yes, he
might be 13 but I still tucked him
in, and he let me) him in
bed, he did not pull
back the flat sheet to crawl
under, he pulled it
flat sheets is a real thing! lol.
This is what I found on the net.
Using a top sheet is more hygienic
than going without it since it keeps
the comforter clean for longer
and reduces
the need to wash it every
time you wash the sheets.
The con, it gets twisted around
Well, I am of the day, that you
use it.
I use mine, I will always
use my top sheet!
Strange things as the
generations change.
So, you know that
question is coming,
top sheet or not?
I find that I am not
surprised by much these
I wish there was a solution to the pain and misery you are having, Pam. I hope this latest round of anti-biotic does the trick.
Love the turkeys at the feeder!
I'm sorry for the continued issues with your bladder.... I'd be so sick of it too!
No ham on Thanksgiving! Turkey for Thanksgiving and Ham for Christmas. :)
I've heard about that top sheet thing. Seems crazy to me, but like you I was raised to use a top sheet.
Getting rid of one on your pic for Thanksgiving is easy for me. Potato Salad--blech. (I can't with mayonnaise.) I also dislike ham, and I'm not a fan of pies. I've never had mac & cheese at Thanksgiving nor cornbread. I'll keep the turkey, rolls, and stuffing (for others).
I like mac and cheese but it's not on our Thanksgiving table so that's the one that goes. Actually we don't have cornbread either.
Top sheets? Absolutely. These younger people sure do some strange things.