Losing Talent, Purrs, Fans, Sadness, UPDATES~Ants and Health

Hang on folks, or
skip on over to another
blog, this is a tad 

 Back in 2018, I lost 

a dear friend, Laura,
I had never lost a friend.
To that point it was really
just older family 
members, except
for my nephew.

That was Oct. and 
then in Jan.
of 2019 I lost mom. Yep, 
she would 
fall under the "older family 
but we all know, losing 
a mom is 
like no other. 
That is about the time I realized
that I was now at that
That age where you 
start losing 
family members 
and friends
that are closest to you.

Not here for one of 
those today, 
but by reaching 
that age, you
also start seeing 
stars that 
you I have watched, 
seen, heard
of TV, in movies, on 
the radio all 
through your younger 

There have been so many.
In the last few years we have
lost some amazing talent, 
yesterday, we lost 
another one.

The voice of Darth Vader
the voice in the Lion King and 
many, many more.

I know that some of 
you are looking 
at this and wondering who till 
you read the name on 
the tombstone.
James Earl Jones.
I know this cause, 
we discussed
before how many 
of you all 
Star Wars.
I saw my first Star 
Wars movie
on a date at the Drive In.
I might not have 
it much after the first three or
four, but raising a child,
a nerd of Star Wars, 
I know these
movies well.
RIP Darth.
RIP JE Jones.
Long amazing life, 93
yrs old.


Problem, my lap kitty purrs 
so lightly it is hard to feel, 
let alone hear.
My purring kitty, would rather
not be held. However, 
she loves
a trip to the bathroom 
sink or lately, the tub where
those purrs echo 
down in those
Thanks Lily Bit for 
the healing
purrs of late.

 Okay, not mine growing up, 
we had a window unit, 
but this is 
how my granny lived
 in Georgia 
until the early 80s.
Yep, it was hard sleeping in 
her house when you went 
for a visit.

I don't understand.

I understand life, stress,
work, life, family, 
but how do you forget two
toddlers in the backseat?
And not remember 
they are in 
there at least within a few
mins of walking away?
My heart goes out to this

spraying outside 
made all the 
difference in the world.
I might see one here 
and there,
but the massive 
invasion of 
the ants here at the 
house is
done! There was no 
way I was
going to be able to kill 
them or
stop them without 
dropping a bomb
on the nest myself so 
thanks to 
pest control. I also checked 
with him
to be sure this would 
not going
to kill off my lizards
 and he 
said, it would not
 hurt them.
Course, at the 
point I was at,
I would have thrown 
the lizards
under the bus too!

Just shoot me..
So, my thoughts 
were that surgery
was going to take 
care of everything.
There was the
 stent that I was
not thinking of or expecting.
That did not take 
care of one of my
biggest issues besides 
the infections,
no control of my bladder.
Matter of fact, the stent 
opened that
problem up even 
more. I had to 
keep reminding 
myself that this 
was a temp thing 
and once the stent
was removed, things 
would get better!
With the removal 
of the stent, in 
two to three days,
 the control of 
the bladder and the 
pain of the 
removal should be fine.
The stent seems to have 
opened things up, 
but apparently
did not allow it to 
go back the 
way it should. Yes, still no
control. Then on 
day three after
the extraction of 
the stent (okay, I know
this is prob to much info,
 but to keep your
attention I am using
 interesting words like
extraction), I was 
feeling worse.
Now keep in mind, 
being put to sleep
usually takes me 
weeks on top of 
weeks to bounce back, 
so at the point
of the stent being
 removed, I still had
no ump.
So, when I started
 feeling worse, I
was worthless (more 
so than normal). 
Then on Sunday, I was 
having chills, 
which I realized I must 
have a fever.
Not much...99.1, but 
my normal is
not 98.6, I am a 97.5
 sort of person,
so, all those years as 
a teen when I thought
I was hot...not so much.
I also started having 
pain when I
went to the BR and I 
was staying
nauseated. Thought,
 maybe this will
work itself out. It went 
on Sunday
and Monday, Monday 
evening I 
sent the doc a message 
via the portal.
They wanted me to go 
some where
around me to have a 
dip test done,
they sent a request 
for a culture to 
be done. 

Made apt with Kroger, 
did the test,
and yes, it had white
 blood cells in 
it and it topped the chart 
that they use to measure
 for blood in urine. Back on meds. Culture should
be in my Friday. Question, 
is it irritation from 
the stent or another UTI.
Top it off, the culture 
came back from
the day the stent was 
removed. I had
as best as I can see, 
white blood cells.
But the doc has not 
gotten with 
me yet and the culture 
of the inside
of the stones is 
not back yet. 
At this point, still 
not sure if the 
infections were 
coming from the 
stones or what. 

Folks, I am tired.
I could use some 
good vibes sent 
my way. 

Not only am I tired,
 I have things
to do. I have things that need
doing, and I have things I 
want to do. I do not wish 
to spend anymore
 times sitting
on my rear, not even 
having the ump
to play with Lily.
And let me tell 
you, she is not 
happy about the 
play either.
We play with dangly 
things that
she slaps around but 
she wants
to play hide and seek 
and chase,
and I don't have it to 
give her. 
I have cleaning to do
 from all 
the ants, I have sheets 
to wash,
my bed and guest.
I have laundry to do and that
requires hanging 
on the deck.
Dryer went to dryer 
heaven, or
at least in the space 
here and there in
 July and since
I do small loads, I 
am good hanging
on the deck ......
till cold weather.
Anyway, I need 
UMP, I need
to feel better, my 
son and DIL
are coming in on the 
23rd for a visit.
I could use some 
good vibes sent my way!




James Earl Jones was a special talent, we'll miss that dude and his most amazing voice. We all send tons of healing thoughts your way, that's been way too long feeling poorly.
Darla M Sands said…
Hugs and healing prayers, my dear. And I know the blogging community at large will do much the same.
Ann said…
I'm so sorry that you are still having issues. After all you've been through you would think they would have had you on the mend by now. I'll send lots of healing thoughts your way.
Jeanie said…
I am so, so sorry that things aren't going well medically. I hear you. (I'm a 97.5 person too, and if I hit 99, I'm sick.) Not only is it bad in the moment, it is just so frustrating -- we do all this to get better, all the right things and it's one thing after another. Very deflating and emotionally challenging. I am actually at the point that I've decided I need to find some counceling/therapy with someone used to dealing with people with chronic, progressive illness. It affects everything around us -- our relationship with others, what we can do, and of course, how we feel. So I hear you. I hope you can find a long lasting relief and soon.
Liz A. said…
I'm so sorry that you're still dealing with the UTI issues. I think first you need to allow yourself the time to heal. Rest. Rather than worrying about all the stuff you need to do, realize you need to rest. The other stuff can wait.

Glad to hear the ant issue is sort of resolved. I know that swarm can be such a burden to deal with. That's why I swear by paying someone to spray. It's too much otherwise.

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