DG Bags, Misty Napping, Lily Head Rubs, and Hummers

Haha...a friend posted this on 
FB. Too funny. 

Please don’t throw these
on the ground! If they come
into contact with moisture,
they sprout,
and grow into a full blown
Dollar General.

Wed. morning Lily Bit and I
were out on the daybed and she
got some morning rub down.

The glazed looked with
the head rubs.

She loves her rubs.

And inside, Misty is
curled up in
the corner of the sectional
(her spot) napping.

I have had a total of three
all summer at my
feeders. During my health
issues, recovery etc, I
have really enjoyed sitting
on the couch watching them.
About four days ago, out
of the corner of my eye,
it appeared all
crazy was breaking loose.
I looked out, there were
five hummingbirds and just
in a little bit later, about

Hummers traveling south for the
winter have stopped in to feed.
The way it appears out my window,
they are hanging around for
days. My feeders are full and
the hummers are loving it.

I questioned and had to
go to the internet to see how
hummers found feeders.
I mean really, they are up in
the sky flying south, how do they
find my feeders?
they can smell sugar water.
Interesting. As much as I love
sugar, I can't say that I can
smell it. They also have great
vision for spotting bright colors like
the yellow and red of feeders and
the of flowers.
But that is not all, they have
a great memory. So, if you think
you have the same hummers every
year, you prob do. Also, if a hummer
is born in an area, they tend to come
back to that same area, year after
year. They are the only
birds that can fly backwards,
and sideways.
Interesting little critters!

Nature is


Hello sweet Lily and Misty! Those hummers are amazing and what a fun food time they were having.
Ann said…
LOL, that is too funny about the Dollar General bag.
Darla M Sands said…
What sweet kitties. :D That's so neat you saw that many hummingbirds at your feeders. I found one of my four feeders completely dry and need to check again. The drought has kept me indoors due to the pollen count. ~sigh~ Hugs, my dear.
Jeanie said…
The girls are looking their usual feline adorable. And interesting about the hummingbirds. I didn't know that.
Liz A. said…
Hummingbirds are fascinating.
BeachGypsy said…
I love watching the hummingbirds too !--- they are still swooping about here

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