The Girls

 Just in case the question is
in your mind, "where is Lily?"

She is around but she is not 
stuck to moms side as much
as Misty is, so I end up getting
more pics of Misty.

Here are a few of the
gray ball.
On Monday I laid down to 
nap, Misty joined me.
Earlier, she was chilling on the 
couch, and trying to figure out
what I plan for those
little decor spiders.

Check this out, the glove 
has been located. 

When I came home from 
dinner at Amber's on Sat.
the glove had been moved.

We have had some more
low humidity days so the girls
have been chilling outside.
Misty was curled up on the 

And of all the comfy spots 
on the deck, Lily is laying in 
that hard chair with no 
Oh, Lily you are a mess.

But on Tuesday, I 
did get some napping 
pics of Lily.
Its like she knows that
tomorrow, Wed the 21st I
will be having surgery so 
she is hanging a little closer.

I laid down beside
her and she literally licked
my hand for 20 mins.
I read that was a sign
of affection.
Thanks Lily Bit,
but my hand was getting
sore cause she stayed
in basically one area.

Hope you have enjoyed the 


Christine said…
Interesting they have different personalities!
Darla M Sands said…
Kitty Jezebel used to lick my skin, presumably because she liked my Griffin Remedy brand unscented lotion because she kept switching spots. lol Hugs and best wishes to you and your sweet girls, my dear.
Such beautiful girls with the prettiest furs!
Mari said…
They sure can be different, can't they? Praying your surgery goes well!
Marie Smith said…
Love seeing the girls, Pam. They are a joy!
Liz A. said…
Good luck with your surgery tomorrow.
Jeanie said…
I always love it when you share your pretty girls!
Thank you for stopping over. The girls are adorable. Sorry I haven't been over to visit with you. Reading blog posts has been a struggle for me for awhile. I follow way to many people. Actually I don't even post much except Wednesday Hodgepodge. Life has been challenge for awhile now. Anxiety, depression and several health issues. You take care.

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