The Finger, Candy Corn, Socks, and Humminbird

 Did You Know? The History

 of the Middle Finger...

Well, now...,.. here's something 
I never knew
 before, and now that I know it,
 I feel compelled
 to share with my intelligent 
friends in the hopes 
that they too, will feel blessed
in having gained
 more knowledge. History is 
way more fun
 when you know more fun facts 
about it, don’t you agree?
Before the Battle of Agincourt 
in 1415, the French,
 anticipating victory over the 
English, proposed to
 cut off the middle finger of all
 captured English
 soldiers. Without the middle 
finger it would be
 impossible to draw the renowned
 English longbow
 and therefore they would be
 incapable of fighting
 in the future. This famous English
 longbow was
 made of the native English Yew
 tree, and the act of
 drawing the longbow was known 
as 'plucking the yew'
 (or 'pluck yew'), Much to the 
bewilderment of the 
French, the English won a major
 upset and began
 mocking the French by waving
 their middle fingers
 at the defeated French, saying,
 See, we can still pluck yew!
Over the decades Americans have 
since changed
 up the words , the 'pluck yew' 
is now "f**K you"
 and the words often used in 
conjunction with the
 one-finger-salute! It is also
 because of the pheasant
 feathers on the arrows used
 with the longbow that
 the symbolic gesture is known 
as 'giving the bird.'
 And yew thought yew knew every
 plucking thing.

Well, now isn't that plucking interesting?

Do you eat candy corn?
I love it, but only a couple
pieces at a time, its rich 
and sweet. Making you 

They also make the ones
shaped like pumpkins, I don't 
care for them, and yes, they are
the same but its a bigger
bite at one time, unless
you nibble....and lets get
real, who nibbles on candy?

Day three after surgery, 
the best day so far.
I did, however, sit in
the floor and
went through my socks. 

This is a large three
drawer storage container. I just
have way to many socks to take
of space in my drawers. The pic
above are my "winter" daily
socks. Yes, I only wear socks
in the winter.
This is also a deep drawer.
The pic below are just
for my thick fuzzy socks.

And there was yet one more
drawer that I failed to take
a pic of. It contains my holiday 
theme socks. Valentines, 
Halloween (about six pair),
Christmas and even St. Paddy's 
I also have my mask, and winter
gloves in that drawer.
I have to ask, who really
needs 15 pairs of gloves?

I did weed through the 
socks and got rid of some.
The gloves, nope. 

Back to day 3...or really
day 2. I felt pretty
tired on day 2 and really
did not do anything but rest.
I am still struggling with feeling
tired, being put to sleep takes
a while to get out of my system.
As far as pain, day 2, evening, 
I was feeling pain all over.
Was afraid that the surgery set
my fibro off in a flare, but
I don't think it is a bad one.
I went to be early that night, 
but was waken around 1:30 am, 
where I passed a rather good
size (considering where they 
travel from) rock. That, I think
was what was making me 
feel so rough on day 2.
I have not passed anymore like
that, so apparently do did an amazing 
job busting that stuff to dust.
Took my last antibiotic this
morn, hope that does not become
a problem. 

I noticed a different behavior to my
male hummingbird on Sat.
Instead of sitting on top of the
bracket the feeders hang from,
he has started sitting on the porch
rail, facing the window, like he 
is looking in.

When I spotted him yesterday
morn, I thought that was odd but
prob just one of those things.
But he did it all day and here it
is Sunday, and he is still looking 
in. LOL.

That is okay. I know that they
are being fed well and before long
it will be winter, and they will be 
gone till next yr. 

Sat. evening the strangest, nicest
thing happened. Will share that with 
you on tomorrows post.



Sandee said…
I didn't know that about the middle finger. You made me laugh out loud too. I don't know every plucking thing.

I'm so ready for fall and all the deliciousness it brings.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Mari said…
Interesting facts on the middle finger - I never knew that!
I sorted and got rid of lots of socks this Spring. I feel your pain!
Glad you are improving!
That was really interesting about the middle finger, I sure didn't know that. It's pretty funny too!
Liz A. said…
I saw that post on the middle finger making the rounds on social media. Interesting story. I'm glad you're feeling better. Take it easy. Hopefully this time the surgery will take.
Christine said…
Terrible story on history of the middle finger
Ann said…
I have heard that about the finger.
Wade was a huge candy corn fan. As soon as it came out I would be buying it for him. After he passed away, I still had the urge to buy it but had to remind myself that I wasn't as fond of it as he was.

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