Bone Babes, Large Planter, Forest, Scratcher and Player

Being in recovery and 
battling daily to feel some 
I have been laying low...
okay, laying, but 
no lower than the couch.
Before surgery I bought
the Bone Babes some hats.
I stepped out to the porch 
this morn to put them on.

Bone Babe Lovers!

Need to inventive and 
pose them in some really
cute ways.

The other day, when I went
to the dollar store, I took a 
short road home that I have
not traveled before.
I saw this.
Seen boats used as planters
before but usually they
are sort of buried in the
ground. I have also seen
them used as ponds.

Leaves are changing but not
due to fall since it is not
fall yet, but lack of water.
TN is in a drought right now.
Keeps this up, if we
don't have rain soon, there
will be no leaves for 
us to have a fall.

This is my forest. 
For weeks now, I have been able
to see more and more
of the forest floor, but the trees
are getting losing lots of leaves

Not my cat. Pulled this
from an ad on FB.
I bought the girls a couple
of these before I moved
the first time.
They love them.
Cats are hard to buy for,
you think something is cute 
and they will like, but they 
fool you. This was not a 
wasted buy.

Lily even goes up to it, and
buries the top of her
head in it to scratch it.

Tried to get Misty
to play. NOPE...
she just is not a 

Cats are like kids, 
they are so different.
Lily loves to jump in a 
good box. Misty could
careless. But you put a piece
of paper on the floor, 
Misty is sitting on 
it, Lily, never!
Same with play, Lily 
is having running and chasing
withdrawals with me, she 
loves to play.
Misty, she cares nothing about

Gotta love them.



Mari said…
Cats are so funny! They really are different and we enjoy all their quirks.
Marie Smith said…
Hope you feel a bit better every day, Pam.
I saw your comment on Jeannie's blog and wanted to read some of yours. I hope you are feeling better in the days to come. I love seeing your fun decorations and the cats!
They look cute with the hats on. That boat is very different. I've never seen anything like that. Sorry about the drought. That looks like a nice gift for a cat. Your cats sound like fun. Take care.
Liz A. said…
Actually, I think cats are like teens. Moody. You're never sure what they're thinking. They'll get excited about something one day, and then be ho-hum about it the next. And they are definitely too cool for us...
The Happy Whisk said…
True, pets are so different. Makes its fun.
Ann said…
You're having fun with those skeletons.
That boat planter is just bizarre!

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