Flowers and Misty

It bloomed.
Theresa gifted me with a Tiger Lily
months ago. I was happy to see it
The orange, with the dark
spots is like my 
Tiger Lily, AKA
Lily Bit.

The flower above did not
grow wild on my property but this
one did, right inside the tree line of
my home.
The app Picture This tells 
me that this is a
Caroline Wid Petunia.

I have some of this growing 
in a pot but this one came from
my forest.

Wild Bachlors Button.
I remember my mom telling me that
my great aunt Agusta loved these

I was excited to see this in 
bloom, coming up in my driveway 
through the gravel.
This is Atlantic Pigeon Wings.

Isn't that a cool bloom.

This came out of my wild seed
flowerbed. It was a dud, off
brand seeds, so what did grow is
weak and sparse.
It is a Garden Catchfly.

These plants are now in a vase,
but as they die off I will
harvest the seeds.

Pics of some before I clipped
them and brought them in.

Loved this shot with my fairy in it.
This is the fairy whose legs got 
broken off when I moved. 
E6000 sure does a great job.

Harder to get pics of Lily
cause she don't lay up next to 
me but Misty does.
Here are some cool ones 
of her.




Ann said…
Love all your wildflowers. Cool close ups of Misty.
Very pretty sweet Lily! Make sure you never have lilies in the house, besides your furry girl, as they can kill kitties.
Marie Smith said…
Wildflowers are so underrated. Great photos!
Jeanie said…
You have some beautiful blooms in your world. And those pix of Misty are amazing. Those eyes!
Lovely to see the colourful blooms and brilliant close-ups of Misty.

All the best Jan
Liz A. said…
Lots growing around you.
Diane said…
A great post. love all the flowers and fabulous shots of Misty.
The weather has also been foul here and all sorts of strange things going on.
We do though have a to of baby Blackbirds Blue Tits and Great Tits around. The Jay pops in most days and we had a young woodpecker visit the other day. Not so welcome but thankfully it only zapped a dove of which we have too many was a Sparrowhawk, I did get some good photos of it, but I am so far behind with blogging it will be a while before it gets posted. I did post a few shots from My the other day but we are just so busy!!
Hope you are well Diane

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