Deer, Backroads, Barn, Old Home and Just a Vine

Morning all.
I went to Lowes today to pick
up a few things I needed, wanted
to go to Wally World also, Dollar
Tree and Goodwill. I made it 
to Lowes and Goodwill. I am still
dragging and issues with this stone
is wearing me out, so I 
was really tired after my two stores. 

I love driving backroads, always have but
most times I want to have my 
big camera and of course I did 
not have it when I took 
that BACKROAD turn.

I saw four of these babies today.

One road I went down was really
fun. It was called "something Spring Creek",
yep, don't remember the first name.
Started out as a paved road, 
narrow but so many of them in
rural TN are. Then it got more
narrow, turned to gravel, then dirt,
then it ended right in the creek.

No where to turn around so I had
to back out a bit before I 
could get the SUV going in 
the correct direction. 

Funny thing, traveling
another road I also came
to the end of the road and 
had to drive in the water to 
get to the other side.

The thing I have learned here in 
rural TN.,  is that if a narrow
road says LANE. It is a narrow
route to a home or several homes.
Usually gravel, or it starts out as 
paved and turns to gravel. 
Becareful, if its a route that 
says ROAD, that can be iffy.
Usually not as narrow as a lane,
but also usually starts paved and 
can turn to gravel. If it stays paved, 
its a road. If it turns to gravel, it 
is not a road, its a lane. 

Traveling backroads is so fun, you 
see so much cool things.
I loved this barn.

Thought this was a barn but
it was actually an old house.

Back of the house.

Just shooting along the way..

We have a lot of this vine around. 
Years ago as a child, heading to Ga. to 
visit family one of us kids asked mom
what the name of this vine was.
Not knowing she said, "just a vine:...
so all my life till I was an adult myself,
this vine was called Just a Vine, however,
it is Kudzu. Wicked vine, takes over!

I still catch myself calling it 
Just a Vine.





That winding dirt road is something. Oh my, the evil Kudzu strikes again!
Darla M Sands said…
Kudzu is terrible, as are so many other invasive plants and whatnot. Ugh...

I can just envision the two of us having fun on back roads. :D Hoping you recover, I must confess that two stores is about all I can handle in one day. lol Hugs, my dear.
Liz A. said…
Sorry about your energy levels, but you can only do what you can do. Some interesting things to see on the backroads.
Ann said…
I hate backing up so I would have been in trouble if I had driven down that lane.
I would have thought that one house was a barn too. It sure looks like one.
Amy Johnson said…
I can't believe that old barn is actually a house. Does someone actually live there? And those vines, wow! That's a lot!
Christine said…
Nice photos
Backroads are the best! Barb and I used to drive them all the time. We need to get back to doing that again.

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