Visitor, Post, Corral, Mailbox, Border and Flower/Weeds

 This little critter visits often,
or at least I think its the same 
critter, but prob not.
He did allow me to get
close to take a pic and 
after I snapped the pic, he said,

Remember the pole that 
DJ and I put up for the hose,
well, we did not do that 
great of a job. It was wobbling so
I took it up and recemented
it in the ground.

Its holding tight now.

The trash corral got fixed, I cut
the first row off. Now I can 
reach the trash can lid.

I was out at six on Saturday working
on the mailbox area. I have
had a hard time guessing how
many bags of rocks I needed and 
I seem to still be short and that
was after adding some brown
rocks I had on hand.
Now after about 11 bags, I need
about two more.
But it is done.

Mail lady has a great 
pull off spot to get into
the mailbox.

But it needed some green
and color. I will prob extend
the flowerbed next year, not
happening this yr.

I was finishing this up at six am.
Thought I was beating the heat, but, 
nope, that did not work.
It was HOT.

Another project finished.
I have been collecting plates
for a couple of weeks.
I would pick up a few at 
the Dollar Tree for a buck
25, But being that I did not 
want to repeat patterns, I was 
picking up plates slowly.
However, on Tursday I picked
up seven plates at the 
thrift store. One was marked a 
buck, but the others were not marked, 
so the lady at the counter checking
me out said that if they were
not marked they were 25 cents.
She ended up letting me have all 
of them for 25 cents each.

With that said, I only
need one more to finish off 
the back border.

I love it.

Since I am short on blooming
flowers this year, I got some
out of the yard.
The purple ones are 
bacholors buttons. They 
grow wild and they make
amazing plants for the garden.

The pinky purple ones are clovers
of course. The small purple at the 
bottom of the bunch is....I have
no clue. Then I grabbed up a 
queen annes lace.

Might be weeds but they are
mine! lol..
and they look good in a vase
and put out so they can be seen. 

Here is hoping you are able
to finish up some projects and 
having a good time doing it,


Sandee said…
We have those little lizards too. Zane had one that would wait for bugs when he was weeding. Stayed right with him. So cute.

Love all the flowers and sometimes weeks are just as pretty.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the girls. ♥
Jeanie said…
It's looking good, Pam. I especially like the plate border. A clever idea that looks pretty!
Liz A. said…
Your mailbox has an '80s vibe with the graphics and colors. Nice.
Ann said…
Weeds or not they look pretty.
Good deal on those plates.
Marie Smith said…
Love the wildflower arrangement! Great idea with the plates. You are putting your signature touches on your home, Pam! Love it!
BeachGypsy said…
Pam I love your fancy new mailbox but that plate border IS AMAZING---I need to get busy on mine, right now they're scattered all over Tarnation. Yours looks great!

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