Tadpoles, Flowers, Holly, and Bottle Cutting


or at least it is
morning as I type out
this post!
That is not always a 
given, sometimes I type
the day I post, sometimes
I do it a few days ahead
and of course, some days
not at all!

I read  read https://islandmusingswithmarie.blogspot.com/blog this morning
about tadpoles and it
reminded me about something
in my life that would be
fun to post about!
When my son was younger
I had a birdbath in the 
backyard and one day
we had tadpoles in it.
Did not realize a frog
could jump that high but
then again he could have
just climbed in there.
I thought it would be fun
and a learning experience
to raise them into 
We caught them and put the
in a glass vase.
We had it all fixed up
and we fed them fish food.
We watched as they
grew tails and 
legs. It was fun watching
them. They were placed
on the kitchen counter next
to the back door. 
Sorry, I have no pics 
to share for this story,
it was before cell phones.

Anyway, one day when my
son as at his dads I 
was scrubbing the kitchen,
and I thought maybe it would be
good for them to get some 
fresh air, not thinking
they were in glass!
They were tiny frogs at this
point. Poor babies, we
had tiny fried frogs then.


Okay, so I do have
a pic of the next
thing I am going to share!
You know, I am a picture
Yesterday, I looked up 
at the top of the driveway,
right in the grass and 
saw some pretty purple
May be an image of scorpion grass
Growing wild in my yard.
I was told on FB that these are
Batchelors Buttons.
Darla, my app for plants told
me they were cone flowers..
Wrong call. 
The red flower is from my 
begonia flower Amber got
me for Mothers Day.  I clipped
this bloom and the Buttons 
for the kitchen window. I will
dry the purple blooms for seeds
to plant next yr.

This is my niece Holly,
I used to post about her all 
the time, years ago before I 
had you folks reading my blog.
She had a bday on Monday. 
May be an image of 1 person and smiling
She turned 29.
May be an image of 1 person
She was in drama when in school and 
some plays in college. Loved going and
watching her. Wished she still did some
acting. Wow, these kids need to stop growing,
I am too OLD for all that
growing! lol.

I had some one tag me in 
this pic on FB. Friends are always
tagging me on things that they
think I would want to make!
I actually saw these  years ago and 
bought a bottle cutter to do it, 
yep, never did it.
Cutter is in storage! 
Gotta get it out and get
some things done.

May be an image of wind chime
I still have mom's clothes
line poles to paint and put 
up, each one has a place to 
apply four lines. 
I am going to put them up
and hang things like this on
one and birdfeeders on the 
other. I am not hanging close
out anymore. My body 
says, NO WAY!!
Come to think about it,
I might not even paint them...
might leave as is.
But prob not putting up 
this yr.., still trying to figure
out the layout of what I 
want to do back there.
Plus, I am thinking an above
ground pool for Amber to 
care for! Yep, she knows,
she rents and can't put one up
so ....maybe here. We will see.

Do you have your yard laid 
out the way you want it?
How long have you been 
working on getting it the 
way you want it?
Do you do a garden?
Food or flowers?




Christine said…
Holly is lovely!
Marie Smith said…
Loved the tadpole to frog story! lol.
Liz A. said…
If you have a bottle cutter, have you considered using the bottles as candle holders? I saw those a few years back, and they're fun.
Ann said…
Oh no on the tadpole story.
Never worried much about having my yard set up any special way. I have some flowers but not a lot. I don't really care much for gardening.
Yikes on the tadpoles. I don't think my yard will ever be how I'd like it LOL!
BeachGypsy said…
hi there Pam, I LOVE THOSE pretty blue flowers! Very pretty. And I sure do love that blue bottle windchime. We have LOTS of windchimes around here. One of them got a big wasps nest this week and Mr Front Porch took care of it. Anyway, I do love windchimes and how they all sound different. Hope you have a great weekend and lots of energy and feel good. It's so hot here and SUMMER HAS SURE ARRIVED.
Darla M Sands said…
Thanks for correcting me; my mother adored those flowers. :D I really enjoyed your stories, sad or otherwise. ~hugs~ As for a pool, I'd suggest a smaller inflatable one since Amber is so busy. Surely they take less maintenance and can be covered with netting instead of bothering with chemicals. Be well!

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