Fathers Day with Evie, Repair Screen Door, and Kitty Love

Saturday Amber hosted dinner
at her house for the family, 
for Fathers Day.

Caleb and his family could
not come because he had
been out cutting tabbcco and
was not feeling well.

Will and two of his boys were 
there, and Brayden was there with 
Evie and Hannah.

Evie was full of herself.  
May be an image of 1 person and blonde hair  
May be an image of 1 person, child and smiling

May be an image of 3 people and blonde hair
May be an image of 1 person, child and smiling
We had homemade BBQ, potato salad and 
baked beans. I made a Boston Cream Pie
Cake. Sorry, forgot to take a pic.
Afterwards, Trivial Pursuit came out.

Things are just not made as well
as they used to be and after the
snows over the winter, I started
having issues with my screen door.
As you opened, it would drag, pulling
on the frame and causing
 the rubber piece
that holds the screen in to pop 
out. I have been
saying I would get to it 
and finally did
on Friday. I took a 
good look at it
and realized that where 
it was glued
together was coming apart. 
I tried pushing
it back together but that was 
not working,
I needed something more 
permanent, something
that would keep that area 
together. So I 
picked up some corner 
brackets to pull and 
hold it together.

I wanted black but all I could find 
in the stores was silver and I had
to get that, but I spray painted it black, 
giving it a better look than the silver
May be an image of sliding door
There were eight corners that needed
a bracket, I applied one to each corner.
No photo description available.
It is holding great!
I love the sound of the wooden
screen slamming and now it 
slams without dragging. 
Once the brackets
were put in place, 
I took the tool for 
for replacing the rubber
strip that holds the screen
in place and fixed that, 
insuring that the cats
stay in. Up till fixing
that, I had a box in front of
the door 
to prevent the girls
from breaking out. 

Lily is the one
I worry about, but this
one would not 
go far at all, she 
has never tried to 
May be an image of 1 person and cat 
She loves her mom
May be an image of 1 person and cat

May be an image of 1 person and cat

Have a great day,


Sandee said…
Evie is most adorable. Little girls are such fun.

We worry about our kitties getting out. Not a good thing.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Marie Smith said…
You are Superwoman, Pam. Well done with the fix!
Christine said…
Cute Evie!
Ann said…
Sounds like a nice FAther's day celebration. Evie is such a cutie.
Darla M Sands said…
You never cease to amaze me; we'd probably have called someone to fix the door. lol Hugs to you and yours, my dear.
Liz A. said…
Great fix.

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