Deck Time, Moth, Buildings, and the Stare

 Morning from my deck in
Nunnelly TN. 
The girls are chilling, 
I am on the daybed, laying
back on a nest of pillows,
coffee in hand, laptop
on my lap and watching
TV., enjoying the cool temps
of the morn. Those temps
are subject to change according
to the weather report today...
Due to hit the 90s with
the humidity higher. I can
handle the heat, the humidity
is another story.

I was going in the house
last night and noticed this
fuzzy little moth hanging
around on the front porch.

I sort of got lost a tad
yesterday driving around
Nashville. I had a doc apt. 
and I got side tracked down
a road and with all the 
turns and twist, I was in 
an area I have never been.
Now, I used to never do that.
I knew all the back roads where
I lived most of my life, that
is one reason why I love 
checking out the roads in 
my new area! However, 
this was a part of town I 
have never been. But I am
so glad I got lost.
I saw something that I
have actually seen on the 
internet but never knew
it was taken in Nashville.
Isn't this so cool!!???

I could not get on the other
side to take a pic of it
but this is amazing.
I also enjoyed some other
buildings that had been painted

In my travels down roads I 
have not traveled before
I saw this building.
All red brick dressed
up with accessories of
a lighter tan sort of color
brick. But it was the date on 
the top of the building
was really what got my 
attention. I love the older
buildings over the glass ones
of today.
1927, and hoping that this
is one that will stay around
and not be knocked down. 
 Here is another one right
down the street from 
the red and tan building.
Not only is the building 
older, but apparently it has
housed this business all this
1951, that is so amazing!
To see the dated you might
have to blow up the pic
and read the bottom of 
the sign.

This morning while drinking
my coffee, I felt the strange
feeling on being watched.
I wonder why?

I love when I catch shots 
like the one above, but I missed
the cutest shot last night
when I entered my room.
Lily was sound alseep on my 
bed, in one of the cutest 
positions ever, but I missed it.
You see, I don't make it a 
habit like some to carry my
camera from room to room, 
most pics I get of th e
girls is when we are in the 
living room together.
I hate I missed that totally
adorable shot. 

Some days I will get 
a text on the phone, and 
messages on the computer 
that say, "why don't 
you answer your phone"?
Amber thinks I should carry
it always, or be sitting with 
it all the time. haha
There might be a reason for
that though....a few months 
back I was going somewhere 
with her, it was when I had
the UTI when I moved in.
Between the infection, move,
and meds I laid down 
to wait for her and she 
could not wake me.
She knocked, rang the bell,
came in the house and called
out, "mom" several times. The 
only way she got me ws to
yell out mom. 
When I woke finally, she
cried thinking I was 
gone. I try now to carry 
my phone when I am 
doing something outside
but even then, I forget.

How do you sleep?
Light, hard, comfy, 
Do you ever feel like 
you are being watched when
you are not around

Have a great nights sleep
or a great nap,



Darla M Sands said…
I'm trying to carry my phone more; someone almost always tries to reach me when I do leave it behind. lol Thank you for sharing these great photos. I want to pet both sweet Misty River and that cute moth. :) Be well, my dear.
Ann said…
That mural on the first building is amazing. I too like to see the older buildings.
Marie Smith said…
That first mural is incredible! Wow!
Liz A. said…
I don't carry my phone around with me. Only if I'm carrying my purse. If I'm sitting in my normal spot, it sits next to me, but if I'm doing stuff...
You sure found some interesting building, how cool! Deck time sounds wonderful. We have a deck but it belongs to our ferals. Hello sweet Misty!
Christine said…
Cool moth

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