Art Question, Evie Art, Wine Rack, Art Building and Nap Time

 Here we go, I am stealing from other blogs
to start this one!
Ann stated that Jean posted 
a thing about working something
art like would expand your life
by 10 years!
Okay, I am on

Thinking that maybe I should live
to be 1000 with all the art I have
done! Yeah, don't want that!

So, the question I have,
how many art projects have
you done in the last month?
Speaking of art, I did work on 
a project last weekend for Evie's 
Was going to do wooden 
letters what said, 
DREAM, but
I settled on this. More than
the word DREAM....I added
more fun stuff. 

Speaking art, I wanted to share
Thursday's project, not really art but it 
took my artsy brain to do it!

Picked up this wine rack at
a thrift store that I found when
I was getting lost on the Nashville
roads. Wine, you say, no 
I don't drink that much of it.
For sure don't need a wine rack
for the one bottle I might have
at the house every now and 
again. It's a recycling project..

Metal and I only paid five
bucks for this beauty.

All I needed to do was to 
clean it well and add some spray
paint to it.

But the question still is, what am 
I planning to do with it?
How about a nice addition to 
the guest bathroom for holding
my hand towels.

I love it!

So that was more a recycling project
and not art. But...
let me share some other art 
with you.
I have seen this very pic
on the internet but did not 
realize that this piece lived
in Nashville.
Another find while getting lost
on Nashville streets where I have 
never traveled before.

I could not get in a good 
spot to shoot the other side. 
Such a cool piece of art.

Thursday was a great day
for napping on the deck.

May be an image of rabbit
I think Misty was enjoying 
her nap for sure.

Sweet babe,


Sandee said…
None. I don't have a artsy bone in my body. I wish I did.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
BeachGypsy said…
Love what you did with the wine rack and I LOVE Evies picture-- bright and pretty! Has she seen it yet? It's been really 🔥 HOT HERE
Liz A. said…
Isn't upcycling art, to a certain extent? Some art is just that, so why can't craft projects be as well? As for the DREAM for Evie... Why not the letters DREAM in wood with other words written on those letters? (When you were talking of the project, that thought popped into my head.)
I'm with Sandee, I am not artsy talented at all, but I wish I was. Misty, you're adorable!
Darla M Sands said…
I agree with Liz. :D And you gave me an idea; my husband made a similar wine rack that is just sitting empty and now I'm wondering if it could hold other items. Thanks! Blessings, my dear.
Marie Smith said…
Love the towel rack. Great idea!
Christine said…
Nice wine rack -Christine
Ann said…
I've been drawing one picture a day for my art fix.

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