When Pigs Fly into Your Heart and the Meet Greet of the Pigs

 I posted the other day about this
book and the woman that wrote it.

I love reading on 
this book and remembering
when Ms. Lawanda posted these
stories on FB, before deciding 
to write this book.

One funny thing about this book,
is the names have been changed
to protect the innocent!
Just kidding, when the pigs
started their journey across
several properties to visit, 
and eat off Ms. Lawanda,
she had no clue their names.

Visiting with them daily, she
and her grandkids gave 
these visitors NEW

This is Razor 
AKA (per Ms. Lawanda)
Winston was around when
I started visiting the 
farm. Named by the 
owner, Chris. 
I recall at one point 
Chris telling me that 
Razor was not a potbelly,
but he thinks Razor had
a mix of a Razorback pig.
That explained to me why
he looked different
than the others. 
In the book Razor is
mentioned as having hair that
stood up. He was the first visitor
that went venturing out off 
his home property, over the 
fields, through the grass and 
through the fence.

After a little time Ms. Lawanda
mentions that he brought his
girlfriend with him and that
he was protected of her.

She named this pig, 
Pricilla. I knew this girl as
Maybelline. Very shy, not
at all at ease with people.

Then came the other two.
Leonard AKA Oreo

and Wilbur, which somehow
Ms. Lawanda had him
named Wilbur. Could be that at
that time she was able to 
meet up with Chris and 
knew Wilbur and Wilbur.

Let me not leave Arnold 
out of the mix, however,
Arnold did not make the book 
cause at the time all the
traveling between properties,
I think Arnold was just
too big to care or
the others did not ever 
tell him about the great meals
they were all getting...

In the book Ms. Lawanda
was not as close to Orea, 
she thought he was pushy. 
However, Orea (Leonard)
was my fav!

Lenny was the only pig that 
Chris ever bought as a piglet.
The others came to him via
folks thinking potbellies
would make great indoor pets
and not taking into account, 
they still get 

When I started dating Chris,
all the pigs had free range of the 
property, all except 
Leonard. Leonard was in a 
fenced in area. Why, that 
was his home before the others
came and every time Chris tried
to free him, he would not come

I am here to tell you, that did not
last long with me.
I called Leonard, Lenny
and Chris and started to notice he
was looking thin. 
Oh man, really, a thin
pig? Chris was getting concerned
also and thought he would 
need to call a vet. 
We were feeding Lenny
extra feed to try to fatten
him up. One day Chris was
in his shop and I went down 
to visit Lenny. I opened the gate, 
told him that if he wanted to eat,
he needed to come out.
I felt the problem was that
Lenny had eaten up all the 
grass and weeds in his area, 
and did not have the chance 
to graze all day on 13 odd acres 
of grass!
He needed to graze.

I walked to the shop with Lenny in 
toll and told Chris to 
come see who ventured out
of his area. Lenny never went
back in his fenced in area.
I think that might have been the 
reason that he was pushy when
it came to food. 
But with that said, he was
my fav!
He heard my car coming, he 
met me. I remember one day
standing outside the shop talking
with Chris, not having my glasses 
on, so I asked Chris what pig that 
was in the pasture, It was Lenny, 
so I called out to him, he stopped but
his tail was going 90 to nothing.
I called again, he turned and I saw
the funniest thing. he took off running.
Now mind you he had put on weight
at this time and it was funny seeing this 
big ole pig running down the slight
hill of the pasture to come to me!

Chris has a fridge in the shop and
he keeps crackers in there for the
pigs. They will come to the garage
and stand there till you feed them.
If you hold a cracker
in front of a pig, and back them 
up with it, telling them to sit, 
they will. 
The love their crackers. 

Anyway, since these old pics
were taken, Chris has lost
Maybelline and 
Lenny is still there along
with a new little 
pig. A pink one like Arnold but
this is Wilbur 2.

I might even share more of 
my adventures of the farm 
with you tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,


Darla M Sands said…
Losing animals is hard. Thanks for the reminders of these cool critters. Hugs, my dear.
Mari said…
Aww - interesting stories from the farm. I enjoyed the pics too!
Liz A. said…
Sounds like a fun little group.
That was fun and I enjoyed seeing all of those sweeties!
Some of those had some pretty big tuskers!
Ann said…
Fun stories about all the pigs.
Marie Smith said…
I’ve heard pigs are smart but I’ve never known anyone with first hand experience with them. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to more.
Christine said…
Cute story -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

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