Beautiful Barn, Blooms, FORGOTTEN, and Spring Fed Water

I love this barn.
It is in Mt. Juliet, next
to Hermitage where I used to live.
I have been by this barn
so many times, but it seems
like age and time is taking
a toll on it.
Took this when I went that
way a couple weeks to shoot 
Billy's wedding.

There is a bar just
down the road from me.
Called Last Call, and usually
there are cars around it but
one Sunday I went by, it was
early and no cars. I saw this 
painted on the side of the 
building, assuming it 
was once a BBQ place there.
Growing just inside my 
forest (that is what I am calling
my wooded section).

These next shots were also 
taken a couple weeks back and 
I am just now playing with them.

These are from my yard.

I am still taking pics
not getting around to posting.
This is a 

This however is not
It's a well, a spring
fed well not far from 
the house.

Like I said, not FORGOTTEN,
I see folks there all the time
filling up jugs.

I am sorry, but that is not
going to be me....
it is spring water yes, but 
it is also just as polluted
as what would come from 
the faucet. 
I am not drinking it!

Here are a couple of signs
around the spring water

Another building not far 
from me, however, it is not

Cool, faded paint job.

Hoping you are enjoying
your day,


Ann said…
Love that barn. That faded paint job in the last picture is pretty cool. I remember Coca-Cola in bottles. It was a treat going to my one aunts house. She always had a case of it in her pantry and I was allowed to get one for myself.
Jeanie said…
Beautiful blooms. And I always find your Forgottens very interesting!
Liz A. said…
Some great shots.

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