Ball of Fur, Cable Box Warmer, Sharing my Bed, Tic Tac Toe, and Poles

 My ball of beautiful 

How comfy can she get?

And yet again.....

Talk about comfy.....she
loves the cable box!

Two mornings in a row, 
I go to make the bed and 
this is how I found 
my girls.

Same bed, same time,
and so close together.

The other night I was 
sitting and doing nothing, 
and felt the need to get up 
and do something,
so I made a Tic Tac
board for the 

I used a cutting board
from Dollar Tree, $1.25.
A bag of glass beads, in 
which I took a Sharpie and 
marked five with a O and 
X on five.
Painted the lines on with 
a paint pen.
The letters, vinyl letters.
Going to seal it, find a 
bag for the glass rocks and 
it will be ready for the deck.

I had a great day on Sat.
I worked out in the yard some.
DJ augered the holes for 
my wood poles and Braden helped
me mix up the concrete to 
pour around the 

This one will be for 
holding my hose.
I have a large hook to 
put on here.
 I placed it here cause the 
faucet is to the right.

This pole is up near the
road, it will be my new mailbox
holder. I stepped it back
away from the original
mailbox, so that it's not sitting
right on the road to be 
taken down again. 
The area between the original
mailbox and the new one 
will be covered in 
rocks, making an area
so that the mail lady can
get off the road and 
reach my box.
Cement is hardened and ready
for me to finish up what I am 
going to do with them.
If I could have 
more than one good day in 
a row, I would be so happy. 
I could get so much

Are you creating anything right now?
Crafts, writing a book, a short story, 
Share with us all.




Liz A. said…
I am in the planning stages of a couple crochet projects. Summer vacation is soon, so I might actually get more done then. We'll see.
Darla M Sands said…
I hope you have more good days forthcoming. And I'm glad you have strong young helpers. ~hugs~ After heavy rains stopped and things dried out a little I planted five annuals. Yesterday's garden trip was meant to purchase just vegetable plants but the colors were too stunning to resist. :) I need to plan better as slicing through thick, tall lawn grass (that needs mowed) with a shovel took a lot out of me. But it's another couple feet out of the turf type tall fescue I've come to despise; I so wish the British hadn't exported their adoration for homogenous lawns. lol Be well!
You sweet kitties sure know how to relax and your new home sure is agreeing with you!
Christine said…
What a cutie. Neat on the new mailbox.
Ann said…
Your tic tac toe board is cute. I've always sealed things before the vinyl letters go on though. I've heard that if you seal on top of the vinyl it is likely to get under the vinyl and it will pull away from the board.

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