Painting Doors, Sheds, Stones, and Darla's Raised Bed

I follow a page on FB called

Painting Proverbs

Usually, the doors are cute.....this even
even for me is TOO MUCH!
Here a few of her doors~

Some cute ones...
BUT...that one!

Before I moved my son
said, "now mom, you 
are moving into a new home, 
but promise me that you will
not be painting the doors, 
or stepping stones!!"
No, I did not make that promise...

I painted the front door
with my door saying~~

Of course, this is a big 
saying from The 
Wizard of Oz, plus
it was on my door in Old Hickory,
I put it on my childhood home and
again here.

Yep, the shed has been done

Just to recap the past,
front door on my childhood 
home and yes, I 
painted over it when I moved.

I also painted over it 
before I moved from 
my home of 28 yrs.

The back door at my 
childhood home got some
paint also.

But then when I found 
the FB page from above, I 
took the back door a tad
further with the paint.

 Cory mentioned that I painted
my stepping stones, 

However, I did not 
seal them so they 
really did not hold up that
long. Guessing that the 
color is pretty much gone now.
Each stone was shaped to look
like bricks (done in the mold), so
each brick got its own color
and, there was 21 stones. 
Dakota and I were
busy beavers. This was the 
summer I retired.

When I had the storage area
on the back of my deck closed
in (it was so awkward
that is served no 
use), I painted where 
the door had been cause 
it did not match well. 

I did not lose the space however,
the back of the storage area, backed
up to my pantry in the kitchen so 
I had a door put in pantry to acessed
the storage unit space. So much 
better use of space.

In my home for 28 yrs., I painted
the shed there also.

I had a neighbor two doors up
whose driveway and backyard
was up on a hill and looked down
on my backyard come and 
tell me how much she 
LOVED the shed and 
stepping stones. 
That pleased me!
I knew then that others
got a smile from my work
and although I did it for me, 
they benefitted also. 

Darla~ thanks for the comment, 
"You just ooze talent. :D
 I want to install raised garden beds out back 
but my husband doesn't want me to use
 concrete blocks and that's the easiest
 thing I could manage on the cheap".

As far as a concrete black 
raised bed, go for it, 
you know concrete
blocks AKA brick 
-o- blocks can be painted.
They are painted all the time
at the bottom of homes!
Spray paint will work also
but you will need to seal them
if you do that. Outdoor home paint
would change the look 

Ops....hubs, sorry!



Mari said…
What a fun post! I like your doors. Glad you didn't listen to your son! :)
Christine said…
I love doors!
Red Rose Alley said…
A lot of creative doors that have been painted. I really like your door, it's simple with the words, "there's no place like home." I don't think I would do anything elaborate to the doors of my house, but I'm not a painter, like you are. ; )


**Yes, I love when we have a snowfall! And if it's a heavy one, the road workers come out that day and clear the roads. We are not housebound here, and can get out every day if we want. We just have to be careful when it's a big snowfall. It seems to melt quickly in the Spring when the sun comes out.
Jeanie said…
Most of the doors are a little much for me but they definitely are fun!
Sandee said…
I love that first door the very best. Beautiful.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. Scritches to the girls. ♥
Debbie said…
everything is so beautiful...i wondered which door you favored from painting proverbs?? i like the paint dripping and the sunflower doors!!
Ann said…
No way could I ever do that first door. I like some of the others though. I wish I could paint like that. I would have liked to have done that to my shed when I had one.
Darla M Sands said…
I think that third door down looked very interesting. :D Thanks for the tips! I'm still interested in doing something with the concrete wall where our side yard slants to cellar level. lol First things first, I have some seeds sprouting in my mini greenhouse downstairs. Yay! Blessings, my dear.
Marie Smith said…
I love your artistic touches, Pam. That first one is extreme for sure.

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