Bread, Dolls and Pet Names


this has to be the BEST
rosemary bread I have 
ever made. 
I have tried several different types
of bread, but a friend shared a
recipe that she round and 
it is amazing, then I 
added garlic and rosemary!!
It is GREAT!
I also made some pumpkin
bread. I used to make
it from scratch but a couple
years ago, I found that in the 
fall Libby's puts out
a box mix, you add eggs, 
and oil. I had a mix I 
purchased and it was going
to be outdated in June, so 
I used it. 

I have company coming
to the house on 
Wednesday so I am going
to put out finger foods, 
pumpkin bread being one 
item I am going to put out.
Also, I am in waiting for 
results to a test I had done
Friday, if the biopsy comes
back as positive, then bread
might have to come off
my menu, not sure
how I am going to do that,
but, I might not have
a choice. 
My doc keeps an eye
on my numbers and after
my surgeries in Aug and Sept.
she found I am really anemic.
According to my records, there was
no report of me losing a lot
of blood so she wanted me to 
take iron and see where it 
leads. It did not lead to 
being any better, so we did
a test to see if I was 
passing blood, it was all 
good but she wanted to see 
if maybe I had an ulcer or something so
I needed to have a scope ran
down my throat and into
my gut. Biopsy was taken, so now
I wait the results, and hoping
I am not Gluten Intolerance AKA
Celiac Disease.

Years ago, before
GW got wise to the money
they were giving away, 
they sold a lot of special
things for nothing in their
stores.  Mom, knowing
her antiques would see something
for nothing and buy it.
She got these Campbell
Soup 1976 dolls. 

More of things that came
to me. 

You know my pets names but
let me just play 
along and see if you 
think you could guess
my pets names...
gray, mist. water, morning
for Misty River


orange, flower, stripes, spots
for TigerLily aka
Lily Bit.

Your turn~~~~



Marie Smith said…
Hope the results are what you hope for, Pam.
Darla M Sands said…
I agree! Those dolls are cute. :) It took me a minute to figure out GW meant Goodwill.


That game sounds fun. And would you please share your friend's recipe? Rosemary bread sounds so yummy. I'd have a terrible time giving up rice, breads, and pastas.

Best wishes!
Liz A. said…
I hear there are all sorts of gluten-free alternatives for those with Celiac Disease. Definitely more than there used to be.

I don't have a pet, but I'll give you clues for a couple of pets I know. 1) It's a flower; the name of The Princess Bride (from the movie). 2) The original Star Trek's doctor's nickname.
Sandee said…
I just came from Darla's blog and she played along. How fun.

That bread looks amazing. Hubby makes his own bread. He doesn't care for store bought bread one bit.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. Scritches to the girls. ♥
Ann said…
Hope those test result come back with favorable results.
BeachGypsy said…
Howdy Pam! Hope your tests came back good! And that your company arrived ok today. Hope you have a wonderful visit! Dont know about there, but it's gotten HOT HERE. I AM NOT QUITE READY FOR THAT. LOL PS...I bet your bread is good!
Oh I bet that bread was good! Fun name game!
Jeanie said…
I have those Campbell soup dolls too and I get them out every Thanksgiving! I hope the biopsy is negative -- and also that you get concrete answers. I'd hate to see anyone have to stop bread. The rosemary sounds terrific.

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