Hint for Lamp Shades, Flowers, Cow, Deck, Cards, Shed and March

Either a pleated
or a flat lampshade, they
collect dust.  
All you need is a cleaning brush.

Take the shade off,
step to the porch and 
take a brush to the shade.

Then, stand back from the shade 
and spray with fabric
air freshener.
ot only is it 
clean of dust, it smell

If you did not know this 
about me, then let me share...
I have to have flowers in my 
yard. I debated and debated
doing flowerbeds at the new 
Almost decided against it,
cause last yr my beds were
a disaster, but then I took
into consideration that I 
was sick the first nine months of
last year. 
SO.....with that said, 
I have not actually made a 
flowerbed, but I have started on 

I planted daffodils along
side of my sidewalk.

 And Hyacinth in a couple
of pots.

I have also purchased
some ever green bushes 
that I am going to plant
up near the road to block some 
of the traffic coming and going.
Planting, needs to happen now!

Out and about the other
day and I saw some
buzzards lurking around, 
and a cow just standing 
on the other side of the 
fencing, watching!
It was cute....except for 
the buzzards.

The boys came over last
weekend and moved stuff on the 
deck that needed to go to 
the shed, to the shed. 
I finally got around to 
apply a lock to it so things
 needed to move!

With that being done, I 
decided to make my comfy 
place on the deck.

I moved the tv and the stand
out there.
Love that the deck is 
protected by the house and 
the rain and stuff barely comes
I hung some lace curtains 
I decided would not 
be using in the house. I did not 
want to venture out for 
curtain rods so I 
hung them on pieces 
of the tree that had fallen 
in the woods. 

I tied them back later
in the day.

Added some decor to the
tv stand. 
A throw over the 

Since the deck is long and narrow,
it is a challenge to 
do decorating 
of it. 
But I decided I needed
the sitting area, and it had
to be right out the
kitchen door so the tv would
be protected by the house.

The next area down from 
it will be a table and chairs...
then I still have some room to 
play with.

When Julie had a going
away for me at the venue, 
Emily and her adorable
family made me a card.
I thought it was to cute
not to have out, so I 
hung it.

Right under my 
protecting cross stitch 

Also, a couple years ago,
after sending a card to a friends
hub that was fighting cancer, 
I got a card from her, 
one she had printed of 
pics of birds she had taken.
I had it standing on a shelve 
in my other kitchen but
I decided to frame and hang
it also. 

I had lunch with Theresa last
weekend. She hand delivered
my Bday card. She did not want
it to be crushed in the mail. 
It also needed to hang!

I love these cards, they
came from the heart of the person
that gave them to me, and 
I wanted to see them daily.

It's done, except for painting 
on a bird, then I 
will seal it.

What do you think?
I love it!
Since I started it in the winter,
I painted that first, and went from 

Today, as I write this it 
is March 1st,

What is the saying, March 
comes in like a lion, goes
out like a lamb?
Guessing we will need to see
how it goes out but it came
in somewhat like a lion,
turned off cold again and 

The good thing about 
brings us closer to 
the clocks being turned 
forward and the days 

Happiest March 1st,
hoping your month came in 



Wishing you a happy new month of March.

All the best Jan
Fun photos and those critters all look fun! You're place sure does look nice!
BeachGypsy said…
Dang girl you're so talented!!!-‐ love the tree painting! YES I CANT WAIT FOR TIME CHANGE!!!!
Darla M Sands said…
Oh, wow! I want to do something with the bare concrete wall on the north side of our house but don't know where to start. My lack of painting skill would probably muck it up. ~sigh~ I may have mentioned before that I'd hire you if I could. :D
Liz A. said…
Your deck is coming along. You'll get it there, I'm sure.
Christine said…
Love the shed painting. Thanks for the time change reminder
Ann said…
Here I would have to say that March came in like a lamb. It was cold first thing in the morning but it turned into a beautiful day.
Marie Smith said…
I love the tree…so creative and well done!

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