LEAP Year, Meeting Men, Horses, Funnies, Hickman Co. Sites, and Spring Flowers-DL HInt


Did you realize that it is LEAP YEAR?
I did not until I heard it on the news.

A couple of facts about 

Okay, guess I am left out again...
gotta have someone special 
to ask to marry you.
Not even anyone special, there 
is no one for me to ask! lol...

However, I have met two new guys 
this week.
I met Thomas, owner and repair dude
at the local computer repair store.
I stopped to take this pic
which stands in front of 
his place, which once was a 
gas station and then 
a FORGOTTEN place when 
Thomas purchased it and revamped
Interesting guy, him and I connected in 
our conversation over paranormal, 
sage and gems. 
He is the dude that told me about
the place I visited where I 
got my Amethyst.
Although, pretty sure he 
bats for the other team, and 
even with that not a factor, not

Then I met a local auctioneer, 
pretty sure retired now.
I was out riding with the camera
and I stopped to take pics of 
his horses.
Then when I went as far
as I could on that road, I 
turned around and pulled in 
the drive to speak to the owner.
Just wanted to tell him I photographed 
his horses. He had just shoed a horse and 
came out of the barn to say him. 
Very nice, cowboy looking man.
He walked me to the next pasture to 
meet Cookie and her foal.
We stood out and talked about 30 mins. 
NO...I do not just stop and 
carrying on conversations here and there,
I check out the area and the person before
doing that. I noticed Thurman (man) when 
I first stopped to shoot the horses from 
the road. He was well dressed and was working
with a family on shoeing their horse. 
Amber just shakes her head at me!!
I DO CHECK out the area and the 
person.....I am careful. You sort of have
to be when you basically live in 
what some folks around her call
the Meth Capital of TN.
Interested in Thurman, nope,
just talking to people and his 
horses. I miss Misfire.

Speaking of horses...
metal horse. This is a site
I saw while out and about.

But here you go...
I love this. This is actually
at the drive of the dude that 
was my neighbor when I moved in. 
I was so excited, he is a mechanic, and 
to have one of them living next door, that
worked their on his property. But, he 
built a home on the Tn River about 85 miles
away. He is selling by owner and had a buyer
but something happened and its back up
for sale again.

When you are out talking and meeting
folks you learn things....
like this store that is 
three mins up the road. 
Rita's General Store....
COUNTY, but my moved 
neighbor was once married 
to Rita! lol..

A few more pics of what I have
seen on the back roads of my county.

Had to laugh....not one, but 
two boats in the field under
the power lines....with two 
buzzards sitting on the top.
Now, to find out why
and how those two 
boats got up there..lol

Then there is the two holes.

Looks like a cave in the rocks and 
then the hole in the tree.

Another looks like a cave.

Keep in mind, before my legs
and hips got so iffy I would have
jumped right in that stream, crossed
over to the hole and checked it out.
BUT NO...the legs and hips will not
allow that anymore PLUS, I have to be
more careful, apparently this area has
its share of copperheads and rattle snakes.
Keeping my ass on the banks.

Lots of flags flown in this
area. Mostly on sheds and barns but
this one is down the road from me.

A sign that spring is around the corner.

I even found a spot, on the side of the road,
actually, across from the boats and field where 
I was able to pick some of these.

I have a small shovel I use for 
digging with when I use my
metal detector, going to throw
it in the car and go back and dig
some of these up.
Did you know, it is against the law
to pick wildflowers on the side
of the road in TN?
Yep, I am a law breaker!!

Check out this funny.

When I was shooting the other
day, the horse, which I was told
is a Palomino.
I thought Cookie and her foal
were Paominos but they are 
Guessing this babe was being 
nosey of me, like I was of it.





MadSnapper said…
you sure live in a beautiful part of TN. it reminds me a lot of SE Ky.. I loved it there. so many treasures just along the road, including the two holes in that statement. I would have talked to both the men also.. and abseolutely stopped to photograph the horses. what a sweet baby.
Christine said…
A leap year -right! Enjoyed your photos today -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com
There sure is some interesting places and characters in your new neck of the woods. Those horses are beautiful!
Marie Smith said…
Love it when you are out and about in Tennessee, Pam. So much to see!
Darla M Sands said…
I've had no doubt you miss your horse. ~hugs~ It's true we must take care making new acquaintances. Thank you for sharing your photos. :) Blessings to your family, your kitties, and especially your health, my dear.
Ann said…
It's a very nice looking area even if there are a lot of abandoned places.
This leap year I don't think I'll be looking to ask anyone to marry me. For that matter I won't EVER be asking anyone to marry me.
Jeanie said…
It's very hard for me to meet people -- I thnk that would be the hardest part of moving. Oh, I love those horse photos!
I can't believe four years have passed since the last leap year!

Nice to see your photographs, especially those daffodils.

All the best Jan

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