The Kitchen, My Bedroom and Braden

 Was in the kitchen getting
things ready for dinner
this evening and I realized
that I never showed pics
of the kitchen.

My stove is not only 
a reg. stove, it also does
the convection oven and
it is an air fryer also.

Cabinets don't look that 
high but my house is not
the standard ceiling height, they
are taller, so the cabinets
are high for me.

My bedroom...
still working on things.
I need something for over
the bed, and I actually 
started working on that
something before I moved.
I just need to get busy and finish it.
The bed rails in this corner belong
to a antique metal bed I gave
away but forgot to include the
rails. A friend of mine has the 
bed and we are going to meet up 
to exchange them.

Mirror has still not
been put back on the dresser, 
footboard to the bed is
standing in the corner.
I changed out bed frames and
this one does not require
a footboard. 
In the corner also is 
the bed rails from the 
first bed frame. I need
to get this stuff moved 
to the shed. 

The closet is great.

Saturday evening I had
Amber, Braden, 
DJ and DJ's friend, Justin
over for spaghetti, salad
and I made homemade
bread that I sliced
for garlic bread. 

As Amber and I 
sat back to talk, Braden
tried to squeeze in the 
cat tunnel.

Silly boy, almost tiny 
enough to get in there!

Hoping you had a great 


Sandee said…
I love your kitchen. Beautiful. Moving takes such a long time to put everything where you want them.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Liz A. said…
You've got a great kitchen. And you've got all the time in the world to get your bedroom set up. It'll get there.
boys will be boys. cute. your house is so pretty and I love your kitchen, stove and fridge. my fridge is so tiny i can't keep much in the freezer. bout half the size of yours. gorgeous cabinets
Ann said…
Love your kitchen. What an awesome oven. I have to say I wouldn't have a clue how to work something like that though. My stove is OLD. It was bought right before I moved into this house in 1988.
Marie Smith said…
How wonderful your family is nearby now, Pam. We enjoy having our daughter and the family just 20 minutes away!
Everything sure looks nice, no wonder you like your new place.

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