Who Are They, Halloween Decor and Cat Snuggles

I think I will 
Only concern is that
my lungs are still
tight but I shall 
cont with the Paxlovid 
in hopes it will only last
another day or so. 

Off the top of your head,
without looking it up, 
do you know these people?

Feeling better with each
passing day......
except for the energy.
I did not want to lay around
all day, been doing that since
May. So, I tried to piddle 
here and there today.
I would like to say that 
I got somethings done, and
I guess I did, I made a mess, got
tired, and then I would start
something else, so in a 
word, I have piles all over. 

I went down to the 
basement to put a load
of laundry in and got
side tracked my 
Halloween stuff.

Walked to the mailbox
and did a decor thing
on it.

I even did some in the house.


I did not hang the Halloween
door decor up but I did
put up the fall one that I
made a few yrs ago. 

An oval frame, spray painted,
a scarf from Goodwill and 
leaves and flowers from
my stash.

A very RARE thing
happened the other night.
I laid down to watch some
TV and, not rare, Misty
got on my chest....the 
RARE part was Lily
came and jumped up on 
legs.  BOTH on mom
at the time.
Totally RARE and I ate it up.

But, Sunday while Misty 
laid up in the bed, Lily
came and napped while I 
rested. I also eat this up.

Makes my heart happy to 
look and see her so 
relaxed and so out of it....
while I feel the vibration 
of her loud purrrs.

Look at those beautiful colors!



Christine said…
Yep time to get the candy soon
I do not know who those people are but the first thing that came to my mind was Bewitched. I think I may be right as it fits with the theme of your post. Am I right?!?!?
Sandee said…
Your kitties are so precious. I love your kitties.

I hope you get your energy back soon.

Have a fabulous day and week. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥
Liz A. said…
With the Covid, you really shouldn't be doing much right now. It'll pass. At least you're starting to feel better. That's a win.
Darla M Sands said…
You've really been through a lot. ~hugs~ I'm so glad you're feeling somewhat better. And your girls are so adorable; may their purrs speed your recovery.
BeachGypsy said…
The pic--- Wizard of Oz. I love that wreath you made from a frame!!--- that is so neat! Those adorable kitties know you are not feeling well-- that's their way of helping I think . Get well hugs coming your way!
The photo must be friends of The Wizard. I'm glad you're feeling better. Nurse Lily sure is taking good care of you!
Ann said…
The people in the picture look a little familiar, especially the man on the left but I can't place them.
Jeanie said…
Hmmm. Margaret Hamilton. Jack Haley? Not sure of the other guy. He kid of looks like Tom Poston but not enough to BE Tom Poston!

I'm glad you are feeling better -- and that also Lily is giving you a little love, too!

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