Hard TImes, Commerical and Talk of the Town, Lily BIt Love and Deer

Meet Rose. A classmate from 78. Couple of surgeries, hubs had a surgery, raising a couple of grands, lost a child, and just fallen on hard times. A couple months ago Rose with the help of friends had a yard sale to make up some money. I loaded up some stuff and donated it but another friend of mine had a yard sale a week before Rose, what she had left over she donated. BUT... there was a donation box out at the reunion, no names were given, just that a classmate was in need and anything they could help with would be great. With no one knowing who was having a hard time, we raised 1205.00 for Rose and her family. Pretty awesome considering we have been out of school for 45 years, however, going to school of 309 grads, going to school together for most our lives, we are still there for each other if we can be. DuPONT Class of 78 ROCKS! Happy news... the commerical is ready for viewing. Tennessee Tiny Weddings is going to be one...