Dr. Apt., Submersible, Daily/weekly Cleaning, and Rain

A few blogs back I 
blogged about my colon spasms.
Well, they did not get any better
on their own,
matter of fact, they
have gotten worse. I am in 
constant pain with stabbing like
spasms. If I sit a certain way, I 
am good, when I move around, not
so much. 

Pain got so bad the other day,
I almost went to the ER.
But told myself, I was not
doing that for spasms.
I had made an apt last week 
when I realized they are getting
worse, but that was not
till the 28th. 
Today is Tuesday, and I called
back to get on a cancellation list.
Within, two hours, I got a call that
my doc had a cancellation and could
I be there at 3.

HI.....its Wed. now and I kept
my doc apt yesterday. 
Due to the fact that I have diverticulosis
in my left side, doc wants to 
do a CT scan to be sure
there are is no inflammation
causing my issues. 
Waiting on X-ray place to call
for the apt. 

Have you all heard about 

This is so scary. Those poor people.
I can't believe in this day and 
time that they are having issues
finding this. 

Check this out.

Okay, so is this how you clean house?
I for one need some type of
schedule but as of yet,
I am not getting much done.

We went forever without rain,
we have had rain now for three or
four days. My flowers are loving
it for sure. 
Have you ever heard the saying ~
"It's the devil beating his wife",
when it is raining and the sun is
We have had three days of that.
Sun shines but it rains.



Mari said…
I'm sorry about the spasms. That is so painful and hard to deal with.
The Submersible situation is so sad. There is no way I would go down in that!
I like that cleaning schedule.
Ann said…
Hope you're feeling better soon.
That cleaning list is a little over the top.
I thought the same thing about that submarine. Why isn't there some kind of tracking device for it.
Sandee said…
Yikes on the spasms. I hope you get this squared away.

So sad about that sub. So sad.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Jeanie said…
I like that cleaning schedule. People really do all that?

Good luck with the tests and all. I've heard a bout of diverticulitis can be absolutely grim. Take care.
I sure hope all is okay with you, that's no fun at all. Purrs and hugs from all of us.
Marie Smith said…
We’ve had a lot of rain recently too. At least the chance of forest fires is low.
Jeanette said…
So sad about that submersible but thankfully they were not trapped somewhere running out of oxygen. It was over in a nanosecond! Hope your spasm are feeling better now.
Darla M Sands said…
Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry you're suffering more pain. ~hugs~ Take care.
BeachGypsy said…
glad the doctor had a cancellation and got you in. Hope tests show what is up and they can treat it, quickly and correctly!! Hope you're feeling better!! take care and keep us posted, ok?
Christine said…
Sorry about your colon issues
Rhodesia said…
I hope that you are feeling better by now. I also have diverticulitis and it feels like someone is sticking a knife in your guts! I have just finished a course of antibiotics and now the pain has returned. I am trying 3 days with only drinking only water black coffee or black tea, no food as such. Otherwise I will have to return to the Dr again.

The titanic news was terrible :-(((

Take care, Diane
BeachGypsy said…
Pam are you ok? Missing you....
So sorry to read about your colon issues, I hope your doctor/medical team can help you.
Take care.

All the best Jan

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