Curls, Headstone and Coins, Sedum and Misty

 My daughter Amber, facetimed
with Felicity (her grand) the other night
and noticed these curls.

Curls seem to run in the family.

This cutie, would be 
Although, you can't tell 
much in this pic,
those are curls.

As my hair grew, it continued
to be curly.

This would be Amber.
When her hair was wet, like
it was just as curly as

My son's hair was curly
when he was young.
Then there is Braden's hair,
it was also curly.

Found this interesting
and I was unaware of this.

I have this pot of Sedum 
sitting on my brick wall between the 
driveway and the back yard and the 
other day I noticed it knocked
off. I thought maybe my yard dude
did it but usually he will say
something. I broke the side of the pot
but I was not that worried about
that. I sat it back on the wall.

Today I noticed this!

something is eating it.
I am told it was prob the 
deer. That makes sense
since I had this in the backyard
in the fenced area
the last couple yrs and moved
it to the wall this spring.
Plus, since this is the reddish brown 
color and I failed to get any of
the pinky purple color from the old
house, Theresa gave me starts of 
the pinky purple. I planted them at 
the end of the driveway in concrete planters
and every day I noticed they were pulled
from the planter. They are no more.
Needless to say, I brought the Sedum in 
the fenced area and 
was going to replant it
and had to hold off, there were
thousands of ants in it.
Opening it comes back okay
once I get in another pot.

Misty was snoozing the other
day on the deck.

Then she heard a sound, on 
the outside part of the deck, so
she jumped up to check it out.

I saw it, it was a lizard. A
pretty good size one that
ran to the other side of
the deck. 

She was a little disappointed
that the lizard went the
other direction and did not
come her way.



Sandee said…
Love those curls. Adorable. Reminds me of my great grand. She has hair like that, just longer.

Cuties pies galore and you too.

Awww on Misty. She's such a pretty girl.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Christine said…
such a cutie you were!
Liz A. said…
Not fun to have critters eating your plants. I'm sorry.
BeachGypsy said…
goodness gracious, we would've LOVE TO HAVE SOME OF THOSE curls, Pam! Spent half my life trying to curl straight hair.....getting perms etc. ha ha LOL Hope your week is going great!
Ann said…
Those curls remind me of my daughters hair when she was little.
Too bad about the critter eating the plant. Hope it comes back.
Marie Smith said…
Not much escapes Misty! She’s adorable.

Those curls sure do run in the family!
Darla M Sands said…
What a fun post! Thank you for brightening my evening. :D I know it's not all fun and games with chronic pain. ~hugs~ That you struggle through makes your stories even more precious. Best wishes, my dear.
Jeanie said…
Fences? Deer don't care -- My hostas learned that the hard way. That curly hair reminds me of mine at that age. And now, for that matter! Misty has the right idea!

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