Weather, Sushi, Old Car, Scrapbook Paper, and the Toy Box

 All over the US, maybe the world,
things have been changing.
This winter has been so strange.
Last week, course with no humidity, 
but we were hitting 
The last two morning have

This is Wednesday and I woke
with temps being in the high 20's. 

 With a freeze warning!
Chance of that again tomorrow
and into the weekend.

Yesterday evening as the sun 
started its descent down, even 
though I was inside, I could feel that
temp dropping. I got so cold I turned
on my heater fireplace. 
But then I had to get down there in 
front of it to warm up.

I know with every season change Mother
Nature is either bipolar or
her and Old Man Winter are
fighting over whose turn it is to come
out and play. But, enough is

Shout out this morning to
on their blog about KINDNESS.
Loved it.

We all need to work on being kind.
Even a simple thing like a smile can help
do the trick. 
You smile at someone, then they
feel so good they smile at someone and 
you have started a contagious 

Pass it on!

So my friend, T and I go out
to eat once a week or so.
She will jokingly ask me do I want
she knows I do not like 
that stuff!
However, on FB I saw this so 
I tagged her and told her that I
would eat this Sushi.
Yep, I would be really good with this.
Little Soy Sauce to the rice and
BAM....a meal.

On Tuesday, it was cold, then
cool, but I really did not want
to get out. 
But I did.
I went to pick up a bike that
someone was giving away
(like I need it), cause I have
plans for parts!

I also needed to stop at the 
you know, 
Hobby Lobby.
While headed to the Lobby,
I saw this.

I love old cars.

Oh yes, to elaborate on my
statement about stopping at the 
I needed some scrapbook paper.
Nope, I don't scrapbook but that paper
can come in handy for more
that scrapbooking.
Here is what I got.

I love pretty. 
Now are you wondering what I 
am doing with this?
 of course!

Remember the roadside shopping trip
where I came home with this 
cute little toy box?
Well, I plan on lining the inside
with that paper.

Are you kidding? Where do I get these
thinking outside (or inside) the box (toybox)
Not a clue!

Anyway, I started on the outside 
yesterday and I bet you would like
to see some pics.

The side

The front

I have one more side to do....
Seal it all.
Line the inside and seal
that. Forgot when I was at
the Lobby to pic up a knob for 
the lid. So I will need to check my
stash and see what I have.

bday is the 19th of April,
she will be one year old.

That blue bird on bottom looks
like a whale...
oh whale (well)!

One project ALMOST



Christine said…
The snow in my backyard is slowly retreating, a good sign
Marie Smith said…
So creative, Pam. What a great gift! How quickly that year went by…
Mari said…
That is soooooo cute! I love Hobby Lobby too and was also there this week.
I can't wait to see your finished project. It's going to be perfect!
We need a new weather guesser here, we're tired of the warm/cold/warm cold thing. That blue car is so cool and so is your art on the box!
Barwitzki said…
Great work... you painted great... such a beautiful wooden box.
Tomorrow -
Happy birthday to the birthday boy.
Happy Holiday to all.
Best regards to you. Viola
Bill said…
The weather here has gone mad too. Today we had bucketing down rain and sun at the same tiime. :) The toy box is looking good, I like it.
Darla M Sands said…
What a lovely project! Will this be a gift or used at your home when little ones visit? I'm a fan of classic cars, too. And your bird paintings are adorable! I envy your creative mind and wish I could hire you to do something with a boring concrete wall. Our ranch home is on a slope and I suppose passersby cannot see the bare ugly stone (which used to be hidden by vegetation). All the same, I'd like a mural, something way beyond my skill set. :) Best wishes, my dear.
Ann said…
That toy box looks amazing. She's going to love that.
Liz A. said…
That's a good idea, lining it with paper. The outside is looking great, too.

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