Seaglass, Fave Wedding Pic of the Day, and The Conversation

 I do wished I lived around
an ocean. I would to be able
to get out and walk up and down,
hunting for seaglass.

I have a little seaglass myself,
sent to me by a friend in Massachusetts. 
She was on the beach and started 
picking me up some. 
I have all the thoughts of
making some necklaces 
from these pieces.

Sorry, I mixed in some rocks
with my glass by accident once.
I was watching a movie
that prompted this post. They
were talking about what the colors
of seaglass meant. 

I think the white is actually clear.

Sea glass symbolizes: Renewal, Healing, Transformation, and Personal Growth

Sea glass colors and the attributes associated with them:

Clear – Universal Healing, Peace, Spirituality, Purity, Sincerity

Green – Abundance, Prosperity, Hope, Growth, Emotional Stability

Blue – Creativity, Self-Expression, Intuition, Peace, Joy, Tranquility

Yellow – Personal Power, Abundance, Courage, Self-Confidence, Wisdom

Pink – Universal Love, Friendship, Harmony, Inner Peace

Brown – Comfort, Nurturing, Safety, Stability, Grounding, Reliability

Purple – Creativity, Wisdom, Dignity, Independence, Clarity, Intuition,

Red – Passion, Power, Strength, Attraction, Attention

Orange – Adventure, Creativity, Inspiration, Joy

Grey – Intelligence, Knowledge, Wisdom, Balance, Endurance, Focus

Peach – Happiness, Peace, Health, Love, ComfortWhile reading on seaglass, I found that orange is the rarest of all.

Of course, someone along the 
way came up with what the colors
meant, but it's neat to believe.

After Julie and James taking a 
few months off from weddings
other then a few bride and grooms
alone, We had a bigger one
of Sunday.
It has been months since I worked
one and with it rainy, it was hard 
on this old body.

I did my usual Behind the 
Scene shots with the cell.
My fave for the day.

I shot this through the stand 
holding a friend of the 
bride's phone.
Pretty cool.

Sitting on the couch Sunday evening
with Lily next to me, 
taking a bath, I looked over
at her, pointed the cell and right
then she stopped and
looked at me. Looks like
we were have a great 

Oh my special girl.

Do you live near the ocean?
Do you have a stash of
Do you do anything 
with them?



Christine said…
Pretty seaglass.
Mari said…
I Live near Lake Michigan and you can find sea glass there too. I love it, but don't have the patience to find it.
I am having the strangest thing with your blog. I have it set up in Feedly so I get a notification when you post. Lately it tells me there is a new post but when I open it, it's one I've already seen. Today you were listed again, and it was this post, but you published it in February! I don't have this with any of the other blogs I follow so it's strange. But I'll keep trying!
Dearest Pam,
No we're about 2 hours driving distance from the Atlantic Ocean.
Not interested at all in sea glass and those meanings with the words 'Universal' are rather shallow.
Lily sure is a sweet girl and I guess they can read their humans pretty well.
I've been surrounded by loving/caring kitty nurses since my accident—they know if you are in excruciating pain.
Got an update on my blog.
Liz A. said…
I've never found sea glass on the beach. Of course, I haven't been to the beach in ages. But even as a kid I didn't see any. I'll have to pay closer attention.
Sea glass is very pretty. I wish we lived by the ocean too. That is a cool wedding photo. Oh Lily, that is the look of love.
Ann said…
No oceans near me but I know quite a few people who find beach glass along the shores of Lake Erie.

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